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3 good reasons to keep posting on social networks in summer

Is it less necessary to post on social networks during the summer vacations? Focus on 3 good reasons to keep posting during the summer.

July is just around the corner, and with it the summer season is often synonymous with a drop in activity for companies. For our part, we've often heard that it's less necessary to publish on social networks during the summer months. But is this really true? Focus on 3 good reasons to keep posting during the summer vacations.

1. Loss of engagement on social networks

Although each social network operates its own algorithmic rules, generally speaking, they tend to take into account both the regularity of your posts and the interaction on them. When you apply the summer break to your social networks, you risk losing a nice dose of engagement.

Why do we lose engagement when we publish less?

Don't confuse posting less with posting no more. During the summer, reducing your number of posts per week doesn't seem to be an inappropriate strategy; on the contrary, depending on your target audience, it could be life-saving. However, an abrupt halt to your social networking activity could make for a difficult recovery. During your absence, your audience could turn to other content creators, or even worse: your competitors. If there's one statistic to remember, it's this: only 10% of your followers see your posts in their news feed. That's a low figure, and one that shouldn't be diminished by your sudden disappearance.

2. Your customers have time

Vacations don't always rhyme with digital detox. In fact, the opposite is true. According to Kepios, by July 2023, a new global connection peak had been reached, with 4.88 billion people connected on social networks, i.e. 60% of the world's population.

For 2024, we can expect similar results, or even a further increase in the number of active users. The long hours of idleness that your audience may be preparing for, could well be a field of possibilities for scrolling on social networks. With this in mind, we can only encourage you to create relevant content dedicated to your target audience's hours of availability. For BtoB companies, this is the time to build longer content, conducive to instructive reading full of value. For BtoC, on the other hand, it's a case-by-case approach. Depending on your product and editorial strategy, the choice of content is unique and personalized.

3. Your competitors are on vacation

If the absentees are always wrong, then you might as well take the place they leave for you. According to a study by Sprout Social, the number of publications by BtoB companies has fallen by 20%. However, this is not the case for most BtoC companies, which are not necessarily experiencing a reduction in activity. On the contrary, excluding specific products linked to the autumn and winter seasons, BtoC sales tend to increase overall by around 10-20% during the summer.

If you're a BtoB company, we'd advise you to keep your strategy at least regular so as not to lose your post-summer engagement, and a fortiori, to think about summer-specific content, focused on nurturing marketing.

For BtoC companies, there's no doubt that you have a great card to play during the summer season. It would be a huge mistake to reduce or even stop your communications in July and August. In your case, now is the time to double your efforts. Adopt a content strategy adapted to your target, demonstrating a perfect blend of: regularity, good follow-up of social network trends, and engagement of your target.‍

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