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Social Networks

How do you calculate your ROI on social networks?

Interview with Deborah Orzech, Campaign Manager France at Agorapulse.

Following 8 years' experience in the USA, during which Deborah Orzech learned everything she knows about marketing, she joins Agorapulse as Campaign Manager France. In this interview, Deborah shares her love of social networks, her analysis of them, and the data gathered by Agorapulse.

Measuring ROI on social networks

In addition to being a programming software, Agorapulse stands out from its competitors thanks to its analysis tool, which gives companies a direct view of the ROI generated by posts published on social networks.

"With Agorapulse, reporting can be automated and customized, enabling agencies to communicate with their customers smoothly and transparently," explains Deborah.

Social Media ROI is a particularly comprehensive tool, as it enables companies to track publication statistics by tracking the results obtained on their websites.

"For agencies, talking about ROI helps build customer loyalty. When you're an agency, it's not enough to create a service over 3 or 4 months by creating content, you have to prove that the posts created bring concrete results. It's important to show your customers, in an extremely granular way, what has worked and what hasn't," adds Deborah.

How to generate sales through social networks?

Deborah explains that adapting your message to the codes of each social network is essential.

"It's impossible to imagine duplicating posts on every platform. You really have to get to know your audience and meet their needs through each social network," explains Déborah.

What's more, interaction with your subscribers is one of the fundamental pillars of your success.

"You have to be in a real conversation with your audience. Otherwise, it's impossible to create content that interests them," continuesDeborah.

What social networking mistakes shouldn't you make?

While adding value through content is important for building an engaged community, Deborah rightly reminds us that we shouldn't focus all our communication on promoting our product or service.

A social media strategy that works is also a social media strategy that focuses on its target audience. Deborah explains , "Too often, we want to follow all the trends, to post all sorts of things that pop into our heads. That's why it's so important to get your editorial line right."

One of the most common mistakes associated with social networking is the lack of data analysis. On this point, Deborah adds , "The last thing we need is to say to ourselves, 'I think this is working well', even though we may have an intuitive idea of what is more or less valid. We really need to take the time to use reporting to make data-driven decisions."

Social networks: which trends will work in 2024?

In their study entitled "L'état des Lieux du Community Management", Agorapulse unveils the biggest trends in social networking every year. Among them are :

Facebook: text is the format with the highest engagement over the last 12 months.

Instagram: the Reel format remains the most engaging.

Linkedin: carousels (PDF downloads) are the content that generates the most interaction.

X (ex Twitter): unsurprisingly, the most engaging format is text.

"Thanks to the large volume of data obtained through our customers' posts, we're able to offer precise figures on social networking trends."

On social networking trends, Deborah adds: "In BtoB, what works very well is Employer Advocacy. We all understand that we're humans talking to humans, which is why it's so important to personalize your posts, especially on LinkedIn. And finally, the trend to follow in BtoC is the short video."

What are the best times to post in 2024?

Since posting times are a real topic every year, we asked Deborah if the best times to post really vary from year to year. On this point, Deborah replies:

"There's no big difference between 2023 and 2024. Generally speaking, Monday to Thursday is when engagement is highest. But what's interesting is that on weekends, since there are far fewer posts, engagement on publications skyrockets."

Threads: should companies be present on Meta's new social network?

For the time being, it's difficult to establish a precise analysis of Threads usage, as the data collected is still too weak. Nevertheless, Deborah shares her opinion of the platform:

"I find this social network very enjoyable. It's a very benevolent platform, with posts that have an interesting second degree. However, I don't think it's the most profitable social network at the moment. You don't need a huge budget to invest in this network. On the other hand, for a brand that works well on other social networks, chances are it will also work on Threads."

Agorapulse: future developments

With 31,000 social media managers using Agorapulse in their social networking activities, the company is constantly innovating. Projects in the pipeline include webinars, ebooks, enhanced monitoring functionality, including sentiment measurement and web listening, private message management on LinkedIn, and a new version of the Advocacy tool, which lets employees share a post in any format.

Discover all Agorapulse resources resources by clicking here.

Follow Deborah Orzech, Campaign Manager France at Agorapulse on LinkedIn.

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