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Avis Vérifiés : Interview with Marc Bonnamour

Interview with Marc Bonnamour, CEO of Skeepers and Avis Vérifiés.

In a fascinating discussion about e-commerce and the rise of UGC, Marc Bonnamour, CEO of Skeepers andAvis Vérifiés, takes us behind the scenes of the company's difficult mission: to ensure the veracity of reviews and maximize their impact with consumers.

Avis Vérifiés: 12 years of existence

In 2012, Olivier Mouillet, Laurent Abisset and Tom Brami created Avis Vérifiés, with the aim of protecting brands against false reviews, in order to preserve their reputation. Marc Bonnamour, now head of Skeepers, explains:

"In 2019, we created Skeepers, a group around the theme of UGC (User Generated Content), which includes a number of acquisitions, including Avis Vérifiés, which is now the European leader in UGC."

Skeepers: the partner for retailers

"We help retailers collect, manage and activate consumer-generated content, with the aim of carrying the authentic voice of each customer."

Avis Vérifiés is a trusted third party for the entire review collection process, guaranteeing each reader that the comments posted are the result of a real-life experience.

"At Skeepers, our team ensures that every review submitted has actually been written by a consumer of the product or service. By definition, the review is authentic since the user has lived the buying experience."

Fraudulent notices generated by AI

"In general, we're seeing a rise in AI in content creation. Through Skeepers, we have the ability to power AIs, including AIs like that of Googlewith authentic content. Our challenge is to ensure that these AIs can properly feed on this content," explainsMarc Bonnamour.

Regarding the capacity to increase collections, Marc adds:

"We're implementing AI in our tools, so we can guide consumers, analyze content produced and provide insight to our customers, while ensuring that the content created isn't totally fake."

Click here for all the latest news from Skeepers .

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