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Legal information - Afffect Media

Afffect Media is part of the AFFFECT Group, founded by passionate entrepreneurs. 

Website name : Afffect
Website address: https://www.afffect.fr
Owner: Déniel Julien - Jouin Stéphanie
Publication manager: Déniel Julien - julien@afffect.fr - Tel: 07 81 11 56 35 - Website: https://www.afffect.fr - SIRET: 89017625800014 - APE: 7010Z - VAT: FR58890176258 Brest/ Rennes

The Website is hosted by Webflow Inc. headquartered at: 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103, United States - telephone: +1 415-964-0555 - e-mail address: contact@webflow.com - website: https://webflow.com.

The Afffect website is accessible to Internet users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure. To report illegal content, users may contact the publication manager at the e-mail address above.

With regard to the GTC (General Terms and Conditions of Sale), you can request them from compta@afffect.fr

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