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How can I use Sales Navigator to find prospects?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is undoubtedly one of the most powerful social selling tools. Yet most teams under-utilize it. Here are some tips.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is without doubt one of the most powerful social selling tools available. Yet most teams under-utilize it. Here are a few tips.

Navigating LinkedIn to find the right customers can feel like searching for a hidden bar in a new city without a map. That's where LinkedIn Sales Navigator comes in: your secret weapon for finding the perfect clients among the millions of profiles on LinkedIn. Ready to unleash your potential?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a major investment with high ROI expectations. You need to keep it under control if you want the ROI to live up to your expectations.

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is LinkedIn's premium (i.e. paid) service for B2B salespeople. It offers salespeople prospecting opportunities thanks to advanced search functions (not available in the free version) and the ability to set up call alerts and personalized notifications.

The main features of LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator is packed with features to help sales teams prospect and track customer interactions.

Advanced prospect and company search

This lead generation feature enables sales reps to find the right people and companies with a search experience that delivers sales information to the most relevant buyers.

Main recommendations

In addition to searching for their own prospects, the Sales Navigator platform gives sales reps full access to personalized suggestions for "mirror" profiles of their target accounts.

Registering target accounts

You can automatically register the prospects/accounts you're targeting. You can also use software like Surfe to synchronize them directly with your CRM, like Hubspot.

Real-time updates

This is a great feature that provides updates on your accounts / prospects, including job changes and new LinkedIn publications.

Notes and lists

Sales reps can organize their prospect/account data with lists and take notes that can be synchronized with their CRM.

Who viewed your profile?

Sales Navigator includes an extended account list showing who has viewed your LinkedIn profile in the last 90 days.

InMail messages

LinkedIn InMail functionality gives you the opportunity to contact members outside your network, allowing you to personalize your approach when connecting with promising prospects. The number of monthly Premium messages included varies according to package.‍

Smart Links

With Smart Links, you can share sales resources (file, website....) with your prospects directly from Sales Navigator. Recipients access the content without downloading, and you can track your prospects' interactions with this content.


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How can I get the most out of LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Whether you're a seasoned salesperson or new to the game, mastering LinkedIn Sales Navigator like a pro will help you generate more leads and ultimately increase your sales.

How to get started? We recommend 8 steps to optimize the use of Sales Navigator in your company.

  • Define your social selling objectives and KPIs - This is the foundation, without which your entire strategy will be haphazard.
  • Throughout the process, create lists to organize your prospects.
  • Perfect advanced search filters beyond title and location.
  • Set up alerts for better monitoring.
  • Align Sales Navigator with your current sales tools and methodology.
  • Develop a business playbook for your team with customizable templates and a LinkedIn checklist of daily activities that includes:
    • Find and register leads.
    • Engage with a prospect's business (consider third-party tools to streamline this task).
    • Take advantage of TeamLink (a feature that lets you visualize your team's relationships).
    • Leverage your market to offer presentations.
    • Create more personalized messaging.
    • Share meaningful content
    • Send welcome messages to new connections.
  • Include Smart Links resources to make it easy for sales reps to use the tool to attract, teach and interact with their buyers.
  • Train, measure and reinforce through coaching around defined KPIs.

How do I prospect with Sales Navigator?

Interacting with detected prospects involves much more than simply sending them a generic message. To truly connect with potential customers, it's essential to personalize your approach. Start by examining your prospects' profiles to gain insight into their interests, challenges and objectives. Look for commonalities or mutual links that you can refer to in your outreach.

When you contact them, write a message that shows genuine interest and understanding of their needs. Avoid sales language and focus immediately on delivering value or solving a problem they may be experiencing. Be patient and persistent, and follow up without being pushy.

Building relationships takes time, but by nurturing relationships via Sales Navigator, you can cultivate meaningful interactions that lead to real sales opportunities.

Tips & tricks for optimizing your prospecting with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Boolean searches

Starting with Boolean searches is like choosing the right ingredients for your favorite dish, ensuring that it turns out perfectly. By using the operators AND, OR and NOT, you can tailor your search to identify exactly who you're looking for.

It's a simple way to signal to Sales Navigator, "These are the people I want to connect with."


Looking for creative program managers? Your search could look like this: (partnerships OR creative OR influencer OR affiliate) AND (marketing OR branding)

Refine your approach: advanced filters

LinkedIn Sales Navigator's star feature? Its advanced filters. These powerful tools enable you to refine your search with remarkable precision, whether you're looking for Artificial Intelligence technology startups in Grenoble or seasoned Python developers in Toulouse. These filters ensure that you identify the exact profiles you're looking for, streamlining your search process.

Focus on engagement: active users

Focusing on users who actively engage on LinkedIn can significantly improve your strategy. Filtering out people who have "Published on LinkedIn" in the last 90 days increases the likelihood that your connection requests will land in the inboxes of those who regularly use the platform. This small adjustment can dramatically improve your marketing effectiveness.

Streamline your process: save searches

Once you've refined your search criteria, saving your search is a wise decision. Not only does it save time for future searches, it also alerts you to new profiles matching your specifications. It's like having a little helper.

Overview: making connections

Finding leads is just the beginning. To truly leverage Sales Navigator, it's crucial to integrate it into a complete LinkedIn strategy - compelling LinkedIn profile, engaging content and personalized messaging.

Create prospect lists in seconds with scraping tools

Did you know? Today's sales teams spend an average of 5 hours a week manually cleaning sales data. Using a scraping tool will reduce this time to just a few minutes. Scraping allows you to copy and paste information about your prospecting targets from LinkedIn into a file.

Evaboot helps anyone using LinkedIn Sales Navigator to save precious time building, cleaning and qualifying their prospect database. How does it work?

  • Export leads: export lists and searches from Sales Navigator to CSV
  • Clean up data: automatically clean up names, job titles and company names.
  • Filter prospects: check whether your prospects match your Sales Navigator search filters.
  • Search for e-mails: find professional e-mails using scraping and e-mail search algorithms.
  • Check e-mails: Test all e-mails you find to see if they really exist.

Export your Sales Navigator LinkedIn lists

To export your leads from Sales Navigator, the only solution is to install a Chrome extension such as Evaboot. Once you've installed the extension, an "Export with Evaboot" button will appear at the top of your lead lists. Simply click on this button to transfer your leads and their contact details to a spreadsheet.

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