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You have to work at being a good salesman

Being a good salesperson is within everyone's reach. It's not a question of innate ability, but of acquired skills.

Is being a good salesperson within everyone's grasp? Contrary to what you might think, it's not a question of innate ability, but rather of acquired knowledge. A few rules to respect and work on (and yes, that's the secret).

Mastering the sales process is essential for any sustainable business. By following a few simple but essential steps, you can ensure that you put all the chances on your side for successful sales prospecting. Because as the saying goes, "One dissatisfied customer is ten lost!"

How to become a good salesperson?

A good salesman is hired

The customer-centric approach implies a long-term commitment to the customer. Selling is one thing. Establishing a relationship with your customers that will build loyalty and turn them into ambassadors is quite another. Adopting a consumer-centric strategy makes it easier to increase customer satisfaction over the long term, and to identify opportunities for growth. Engaged sales people perform better because they build trust and connect with customers, enabling them to build lasting relationships.

Note that sales engagement is a three-way street. It's not just about engaging with customers, but also with your team members and yourself. It's a prerequisite for selling, for being a "good" salesperson.

A good salesperson is competent

Presenting your product with relevance, speaking intelligently about your sector, knowing your market and that of your prospects, keeping abreast of the latest trends and developments in the sector, knowing your competitors and their products... These are all elements that demonstrate your competence. Competence means constant training and information. Always check the accuracy of the messages you send out. False information can damage both your credibility and that of your company.

You need to be clear about what you're selling. Do you have a clear idea of your value proposition? Is your value proposition results-driven, or simply feature-driven? Are you clear about who your ideal customer (ICP) is? If you're not clear about who and what your target is, what you're selling and why you're selling it, everything else is irrelevant.


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A good salesman is credible

Your reputation comes before you, and so does your company's. The first golden rule of customer credibility is to be transparent and honest about your products, services and company. But it's also essential to master your field of activity and display real professionalism in all your interactions. Answer customers' questions with precision, provide personalized advice in line with their needs... Reinforce your position as an expert. Finally, responsiveness is essential. Whether it's a question, an estimate or a complaint... Being responsive demonstrates your involvement, seriousness and commitment. Your credibility builds trust.

A good salesperson inspires confidence

Trust is the foundation of any business relationship. Unsurprisingly, it impacts your results. Self-confidence is therefore an essential skill for success in the sales profession. Without self-confidence, it's impossible to generate trust in your prospect. And if your prospect doesn't trust you, he won't buy your products. Self-confidence, from a sales point of view, means being confident in your ability to adapt to any situation, being sure of your abilities, but also being convinced that you have all the tools you need to meet your commitments. But don't confuse confidence with ego.

A good salesperson communicates

Selling is all about communication. You're face-to-face with someone you're probably meeting for the first time, and you'll need to sound them out, while making a good impression. At a first meeting, the tension between buyer and seller can be high. The aim is to establish a climate of trust. You'll need to synchronize your pace with the customer's: get down to their "level" and pay particular attention to what's left unsaid: non-verbal (breathing, gestures, position...) as well as para-verbal (tone of voice, rhythm, volume...). Beyond that, good communication means staying in touch: don't hesitate to communicate when there's a potential problem, and don't leave any question unanswered. Finally, it's advisable to communicate at your customer's pace and through the channels they prefer (e-mail, SMS, telephone...).

A good salesperson is a competitor

Let's face it, the best salespeople are often competitive. They play to win. The most motivated don't rest on their laurels, nor on the figures of the last few weeks, months or year. They keep striving to improve both personally and professionally. But the best salespeople are those who, as in sport, play as a team. Competitiveness and competition force you to step out of your comfort zone. While comfort may be effective in the short term, it can never be a long-term strategy.

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