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Deep Sales, to improve your sales approach on LinkedIn

Focused on lead quality rather than quantity, the Deep Sales method is unstoppably effective.

Are you looking to strengthen your sales pipeline and boost your sales performance? Have you considered implementing a deep sales methodology? Focused on lead quality rather than quantity, the Deep Sales method is unstoppably effective.

This strategy, which combines relevant information in real time with changes in sales practices, focuses on relationships and the integration of tools and methodologies (artificial intelligence, sales intelligence tools, etc.). The aim is to improve sales performance.

LinkedIn has unveiled a new report called Deep Sales: The B2B Sales Playbook to Boost Revenue in 2024, which highlights the habits of the most successful sales professionals.

How Deep Sales is revolutionizing the sales profession?

The report identified three "essential" habits common to deep salespeople. Three habits that focus on targeting efforts more effectively, building strong relationships and gaining a deep understanding of the buyer's context. According to the LinkedIn teams, who analyzed 104 sales behaviors to identify them, sales professionals who adopt a "deep sales" strategy are 2 times more likely to achieve their goals than their peers.

Habit 1: Prioritize high-potential accounts

In a highly competitive market, to achieve sustainable growth, companies need to identify and prioritize "ideal" accounts. This strategy, also known as strategic account marketing (SAM), involves prioritizing those prospects most likely to convert and become long-term customers. ABM requires a targeted approach. The aim is to focus on lead quality rather than quantity.

Habit 2: Identify and establish key relationships with buyers.

The study found that 46% of Deep Sellers have relationships with 7 or more decision-makers on the same account (versus 13% for their peers). Clearly, the more relationships salespeople have within an account, the greater their chances of closing. Comments, "Like" mentions, sharing publications... these are all interactions that naturally reinforce the credibility of salespeople, and ultimately convert prospects into buyers.

This quality of contact also pays off after the act of purchase, with 54% of buyers declaring that they bought from the same salesperson even after moving to another company.


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Habit 3: Leverage their networks

During a prospecting phase, it is advisable to detect all key profiles in the sales cycle. According to the report, 68% of Deep Sellers (versus 10% of their peers) agree that connecting with "hidden allies" inside and outside the company (customers, former employees, etc.) enables them to gather vital data on the company's operations and needs. According to the report, these "hidden allies" can shorten the path to closing a deal by an average of 17%.

These habits demonstrate theimportance of social selling and the strategic use of social networks to boost sales.

Source: LinkedIn study - Social Selling: Definition, benefits and tips for sales managers

Technology and data drive sales processes

Finally, according to the study, beyond these three habits, Deep Sellers use AI more than their peers. In fact, 75% of those who achieve their goals use artificial intelligence. How do they do it? Automating time-consuming tasks, planning, gathering information... They mainly use it to save time. Time freed up to devote more time to the human aspects of sales. The report also notes that 62% of Deep Sellers use sales intelligence solutions to prioritize high-potential accounts, based on signals suggesting that they have a higher probability of closing.

Source: "Deep Sales: the B2B sales manual to boost revenues in 2024"

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