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Linkedin: focus on the best hack of 2024

In 2024, Linkedin is used as much for communicating as for prospecting. We give you a useful hack for safe prospecting.

Linkedin prospecting is one of the most popular means of B2B prospecting in 2024. Nevertheless, it's becoming increasingly difficult to deploy large-scale prospecting campaigns to generate enough leads for your sales force. Here's how.

LinkedIn is the leading professional social network, with over 900 million users worldwide. This platform is essential for expanding your business, promoting your brand image and developing your professional network. For many Sales people, it complements or even replaces telephone prospecting.

However, LinkedIn does have its constraints. In 2024, the platform intensified its restrictions and quotas, making sending messages, invitations and connection requests more complex. So how can you optimize your presence on LinkedIn to effectively reach your prospects without incurring blocking or sanctioning?

The solution lies in 2024's latest hack: LinkedIn account rental. This innovative and powerful strategy offers you the chance to overcome LinkedIn's limitations and increase your conversion opportunities. In this article, we'll explain the principles of LinkedIn account rental, its benefits, how to access it and how to use it to boost your business.

What are the Linkedin limitations for 2024?

From the start of 2024, LinkedIn has increased its restrictions and quotas, making it more complex to send messages, invitations and connection requests. For companies prospecting on Linkedin, this could be the start of a significant drop in leads.

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn offers a platform for professionals to make contacts, share experience, skills, projects, employment and business opportunities. As a resource for business intelligence, training, recruitment and marketing, LinkedIn lets you create a profile, join groups, follow companies and influencers, learn about publications, participate in events, publish your own content, send messages and invitations, as well as request recommendations, introductions and connections. In short! It's the B2B social network par excellence.

It's a place for professionals to exchange ideas, and therefore a great place to prospect or recruit.

What are the Linkedin quotas?

LinkedIn defines limits to the number of actions possible on its platform, varying according to the subscription (free or paid) and the type of action (connection, message, profile view). Each quota is defined for 1 Linkedin profile. So renting Linkedin accounts makes perfect sense. With 5 rented accounts, you can multiply these quotas by 5, by 10 etc.

Linkedin in 2024: quotas :

  • Connection: 100 to 150 connection requests per week per LinkedIn account.
  • Direct messages : No fixed limit, but it is advisable not to exceed 100 messages per week for a free account and 150 messages for a paid subscription. Sending an excessive number of messages may lead to restrictions or be reported as spam.
  • Profile view: Up to 40 daily profile visits for a free subscription, and up to 100 visits for a Recruiter or Sales Navigator account. Very useful for enriching your prospecting databases. Exceeding this quota may result in restrictions or blocking.
  • Network: A maximum of 30,000 connections is allowed for all accounts. Once this threshold has been reached, no new connection requests can be accepted.

These are the main limitations, but they can be very restrictive for companies with a real Linkedin acquisition strategy. On average, a good prospecting campaign on Linkedin should have these key indicators:

  • Connection request acceptance rate: 30%.
  • Response rate: 20%.

So, with 1 Linkedin account, your sales rep can generate between 6 and 9 conversations a week. We're talking about prospects here, not leads. You'll admit that filling your sales rep's diary is a bit of a stretch. So we've investigated the best way to do it.

Renting Linkedin accounts to bypass quotas

By renting Linkedin accounts, you can use existing, active profiles for prospecting activities, without having to create a new account. These profiles, known as mirror accounts, benefit from several months' prior manual activity, reducing the risk of detection or blocking by Linkedin due to suspicious activity.


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Renting Linkedin accounts: what are the advantages?

Renting Linkedin accounts offers significant advantages, especially for those wishing to maximize their impact on this platform without being limited by quotas:

  • Increase the volume of weekly contacts. For example, with 5 accounts, you can send up to 1,000 connection requests per week.
  • Increase the number of profile visits per day, and therefore the enrichment of your databases.
  • Enrich your CRM with information collected on Linkedin company pages.
  • Preserve the security of your personal or business account, by minimizing the risks associated with the use of automation tools.
  • Maintain control over your leads and communications by using an account dedicated to your company. No more loss of sales pipeline or candidate pool if your employee has to leave.
  • Personalize the segmentation of your accounts to better target your audience with relevant content. This is called verticalization.
  • Test ideas or projects anonymously, without affecting your personal profile.

What are the constraints?

Despite its advantages, renting Linkedin accounts has certain limitations:

  • Variable costs, depending on the quality and number of accounts rented. A preliminary evaluation of offers is recommended for a choice adapted to your needs and budget.
  • A crucial importance of trust in the account provider, ensuring their proper functioning, security and compliance with terms of use.
  • The need for absolute discretion, avoiding disclosing any personal or corporate information about leased accounts, and adapting the communication style to the true owner of the account.
  • The need for a supplier capable of providing responsive customer support and expert advice on Growth Linkedin

Where can I rent Linkedin accounts?

This brings us to Linkedin account providers. Today, the key player is MirrorProfiles. The French MirrorProfiles platform meets your needs with a reliable, secure and affordable service. There are other providers like Akountify or GetAIA, but they offer Linkedin accounts with confirmed identities. This raises questions of ethics and, above all, security. There's a big gap between usurping someone's identity and playing around with Linkedin's terms of use. What's more, Linkedin is increasingly hunting down fake accounts with confirmed identities rather than fake Linkedin accounts, known as "mirror accounts".

Selecting a reliable provider is crucial for the quality, security and price of your accounts.

MirrorProfiles stands out for its ability to provide customized, ready-to-automate fake Linkedin accounts. These accounts, manually warmed up for over three months prior to rental, guarantee greater credibility and a lower probability of detection by Linkedin.

You'll have access to a host of benefits:

  • Receive a Linkedin profile with over 500 connections, an SSI score of over 30, and access via a secure interface, all within 24 hours.
  • Responsive customer support available 5 days a week to guide you through account use and management. What's more, they're real Linkedin experts and can advise you on your strategy.
  • Total flexibility with clear invoicing and a no-commitment policy, allowing you to choose the rental period to suit your needs.
  • A variety of accounts available, catering to different objectives, budgets and targets, including free, paid, Recruiter or Sales Navigator options.
  • A ban risk of less than 5%, ensuring optimum reliability and security of MirrorProfiles accounts. What's more, if it happens MirrorProfiles will replace your account in less than 24 hours.

The Linkedin 2024 hack lies in the deployment of an army of Linkedin accounts driven by your sales and/or marketing team. This will make Linkedin one of your preferred acquisition channels.

It's clear that LinkedIn is an essential tool for growing your business. However, this platform has certain limitations. To improve your visibility on this social network and effectively reach your prospects without risking blocking or sanctions, there's a clever solution: renting LinkedIn accounts.

For access to high-quality, affordable LinkedIn accounts with seamless customer service, we suggest MirrorProfiles, the leading platform in 2024 for LinkedIn account rentals.

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