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Spotlight on a 100% green application: Moovance

Moovance, an application that identifies users' means of transport and associated CO2 emissions in real time.

Launched in April 2022 on Earth Day, Moovance is an app that rewards mobility.

Founded by a team of mobility and data specialists (Anas Mbasso, Janik Added and Rodrigue Langronier), the application is equipped with an AI that identifies users' means of transport and associated CO2 emissions in real time.

Moovance rewards users' green mobility with Mooves points, earned after each journey and convertible into cash, benefits from the application's partners or donations to associations fighting for the environment. Aimed at both individuals and businesses, Moovance is a fun way to control and reduce the carbon footprint of your daily commute. It is expected to reach 2,800,000 users by the end of 2024.

Mobility: adopting environmentally-friendly means of transport

The free application, which has already attracted over a million users, promotes simple eco-responsible practices to adopt on a daily basis, targeting the main pollutant: means of transport. Indeed, despite the importance of technological advances and political measures in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, individual actions remain of paramount importance, offering an immediate and concrete impact. Simple changes, such as adopting more sustainable modes of transport, can have a significant impact on reducing one's carbon footprint. Moovance's mission is to encourage the adoption of environmentally-friendly alternatives, by promoting individual commitment.


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Moovance, an application that rewards green mobility

The application offers a multi-level approach:

  • Counting CO2 emissions linked to individual mobility:initially, the application automatically calculates the carbon footprint linked to users' journeys in real time, thanks to an AI. All means of transport are taken into account: bike, scooter, walking, public transport, car, car-sharing, train, plane, in order to be as accurate as possible.
  • Rewarding every journey: the application then rewards users who choose to travel in an eco-responsible way with mooves points, which can be converted into cash or benefits. Users can also choose to donate this money to the app's partner associations, who are fighting for ecology through a wide range of initiatives.
  • Companies and communities concerned: to ensure that no one is left behind, Moovance also offers to help companies draw up their carbon footprint. It then proposes concrete solutions to be implemented internally in order to limit the company's CO2 emissions and engage all employees in sustainable practices.

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