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Why use Google Bard in your marketing strategy?

It's been two months since Google Bard first appeared on the market, and between use and real added value, we focus on the benefits of using Google Bard in your marketing strategy.

On July 13, Google launched Google Bard, anartificial intelligence tool that resembles Chat GPT in almost every way.

"Bard is a true creative collaborator for the user. It makes augmented imagination possible thanks to artificial intelligence", explains Jack Krawczyk, Product Director at Google.

It's been two months since Google Bard first appeared on the market, and between use and real added value, we focus on the benefits of using Google Bard in your marketing strategy.

Google Bard, for what use?

Google's artificial intelligence has been in development since 2021, well before the arrival of the very popular GPT Chat. Its uses include :

Learning: Google Bard provides information on a wide range of subjects, from science to current affairs and culture.

Creation: He can create textual documents such as scripts, music, e-mails and strong marketing content from scratch.

Assistance: Google's artificial intelligence is fully capable of helping you plan your events and organize your tasks.

What's the difference between Google Bard and GPT chat?

At first glance, there are no major differences between the two artificial intelligences. Both work through a chat system, and each is capable of finding sources, writing content, or accompanying you in your thoughts whatever they may be.

Their differences may not be apparent in form, but they are clearly present in substance.

Google Bard is a factual language model, while ChatGPT is a generative language model. In other words, Google Bard is better at providing precise, informative answers to questions, while ChatGPT will be a more powerful ally in generating creative text formats, such as poems, code, scripts, music, e-mails, letters and the like.

Google Bard, on the other hand, has wider access to information and can provide more complete and informative answers to questions. Because of its strong ability to find relevant sources and constructive information, the creation of prompts (i.e. the formulation of questions) can be less thorough. With Chat GPT, each prompt needs to be carefully crafted to achieve the desired results. In everyday use, not having to think about prompts is an immeasurable time-saver.

How can you use Google Bard in your marketing strategy?

In the creation of marketing content:

As we mentioned earlier, Google Bard can be used to create content. In a marketing context, it can help you write blog posts, marketing e-mails, landing pages and other forms of content. The advantage of using Google bard to create your content is not only the time it saves you, but also its ability to generate content that is optimized for Google. Inserting specific requests in your prompts, such as "write an SEO-friendly text for ...", or "don't use any spam words for my newsletter", will ensure the quality of the texts produced.

In personalizing the customer experience:

Google Bard can be used to personalize the customer experience, providing relevant product and service recommendations, answering customer questions in an informative way and offering personalized customer service.

In marketing data analysis :

Google Bard can be used to analyze marketing data, identifying trends, customer behavior and opportunities for improvement. To do this, Google Bard performs statistical, textual and visual analysis.

Google bard explains:

"I can deliver complete statistical tables. I can organize data into categories or classes, which will make it easier to count occurrences for each category. I can also calculate descriptive statistics, such as means, medians, standard deviations and outliers."

According to a Gartner study, 30% of companies are already using artificial intelligence in their marketing strategies. This figure is set to rise to 50% by 2023. It's clear that AI has a bright future ahead of it, and by including the right tools, you'll optimize your time while staying on top of the latest information relating to your sector.

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