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Social Networks

Threads: 2.6 million downloads in 3 days

Last Friday, Threads was launched on French and European stores. In just three days, Meta's new network has been downloaded 2.6 million times in Europe.

Last Friday, Threads was launched on French and European stores. In just three days, Meta's new social network has been downloaded 2.6 million times in Europe. While these figures are impressive, they don't even take into account the thousands of users who downloaded the application in July thanks to some dubious schemes.

Threads: a worldwide phenomenon

Since last summer, the application, which had not yet been released in Europe for reasons of compliance with European laws, had already been downloaded 280 million times worldwide before arriving on the old continent.

How to use Threads

For the moment, content creators of all kinds seem to be testing the platform. The mix of posts is sometimes a little surprising. Depending on the communities you follow, you can go from a business post to a Miss France publication in no time. In a way, it's as if Linkedin and X had joined forces to form a single platform. For companies, Threads is an incredible opportunity to position themselves on a social network with very little competition. For the moment, algorithms aren't playing hard to get, and there are more content consumers than content creators.

Since Threads is a new social network, the social media strategies to be implemented on Threads start from scratch. It's all about testing different forms of content to find the ones that perform best.

Threads: committed communities

Since there are still very few content creators on Threads, building a community is particularly quick. At Afffect, three of us took on the challenge of surpassing 1,000 subscribers in one weekend. The result: we all passed this milestone within a day. Clearly, the more time goes by, the more complicated it will be to achieve this level of performance. Meta will soon be tightening its security standards, which will prevent certain actions from being carried out, and Threads will see its number of subscribers increase significantly. So let's make the most of this oasis while there's still water in it, and quietly prepare the content strategies that will explode your reputation on the network.

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