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Colgate highlights your imperfect smiles

Colgate plays with your imperfect smiles, in an unusual new campaign.
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It's a complex that affects more people than you might think. At the root of smile shaming is embarrassment about our imperfect teeth. But Colgate has decided to play with it, in an unusual new campaign.

Colgate puts your imperfections in the spotlight

In this new promotion, unveiled on October 6 to mark World Smile Day, Colgate proposed a series of posters, each showing a different smile.

The company has chosen to take up the fight against inequality. For the famous toothpaste brand, all smiles are equal, and deserve to be highlighted.

Here, we're not talking about retouched teeth, or the perfect smiles of models used to the exercise, but authentic expressions. Although imperfect, with sometimes happy teeth, sometimes asymmetrical, the people shown on these posters are genuine and sincere.

At the same time, Colgate has released an AI on its website that lets you create several different smiles from a single photo. Now it's up to you to find the one that suits you best, so you can share it on social networks with friends and family. Another fun way to get Internet users involved in the brand's campaign.

While we're waiting to see your new smile in action, the brand offers us a set of short messages to give you back your self-confidence, on the importance of smiles in our lives.

This advertising campaign, which encourages us to free our smiles and get rid of our complexes, doesn't come out of nowhere, and highlights research carried out by the brand.


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Campaign backed by study

Following a study carried out by the brand, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, where the shame of smiling is strongest, shows that 94% of respondents would like to be able to smile more freely.

These results encourage Colgate in its approach, and aims to offer greater safety for everyone's smile.

The campaign also serves as a reminder that smiling is essential for strong, positive social ties. What's more, smiling has proven health benefits, both physical and mental.

Thanks to this operation, where we can see smiles with shifted teeth, sometimes missing, or covered with braces, our confidence in our smile is bound to grow. An idea that celebrates diversity and all the beauty that smiles can offer.

Colgate's only condition for truly perfect teeth is daily brushing with its flagship toothpaste, for impeccable hygiene.

This campaign shows how the sincerity and authenticity of your smiles, far from the beauty canons, can make all the difference in an advertisement. A powerful message from the brand to promote itself.

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