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How to prospect in August: Strategies and tips

How to prospect in August? Not everyone's on vacation, so now's the time to get ahead and grow your business.

August is often synonymous with vacations, sunny beaches and deserted offices. For prospecting professionals, however, this month can seem a daunting challenge. Yet, with the right strategies, it's entirely possible to turn this summer period into an opportunity for growth. Here's how.

1. Use the tools 


Emailing remains one of the most effective ways of reaching your prospects. During the vacations, people often have more time to read their emails. Take advantage of this to send personalized, engaging email campaigns. Use tools like GetResponse for marketing or Zeliq for multi-channel prospecting to segment your lists and tailor your message to each segment.

Emailing also enables you to gather valuable information. Email signatures often contain cell phone numbers, business addresses and other useful contact details. Don't overlook this information, as it can become essential contact points for your future follow-ups. Integrate this data into your CRM, such as Hubspot or Axonaut, for optimal follow-up, and personalize your interactions according to the information gathered.

Social Networks

Be active on LinkedIn and other professional social networks. During the summer, competition is often less intense, as many professionals are on vacation. Take advantage of this period to establish yourself as a content creator on LinkedIn. Publish engaging articles, videos and posts. This period of lower activity is an excellent opportunity to attract attention and gain visibility. Use direct messages to engage in personalized conversations and develop relationships with Waalaxy, for example:

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2. Target your prospects precisely

Prioritize active sectors or markets

Not all sectors are equally affected by the vacations. Focus on those that remain active, such as technology, healthcare, or companies with an international reach. For example, in New York, companies are hardly ever on vacation, like Gngine, a growth marketing agency that helps companies find their future customers on the American continent.

Search for SMEs

Small and medium-sized businesses often have smaller teams, and fewer staff on leave than larger companies. They can be more responsive to your approaches.

3. Prepare for back-to-school right now

Advance planning

Use August to plan appointments for September. Send out invitations to meetings and organize your diary so that you have a busy back-to-school schedule.

Make the most of the summer months to prepare for your September prospections

Summer can be an ideal time to fine-tune your prospecting strategies and prepare for an explosive fourth quarter. Take advantage of the relative calm of the summer months to improve your future prospecting efforts:

  • Strategy review: Take the time to analyze your current strategies and identify areas for improvement.
  • Training and Development: Take training courses, read books or articles, and develop new skills that will be useful when you return to work in September.
  • Updating tools: Make sure that all your tools, including your CRM, or databases like our partner Kompass, are up to date and working optimally.
  • Media preparation : Prepare and personalize your communication materials so that they're ready for use as soon as the new school year starts.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the fourth quarter and maximize your business results.

4. Follow-up and follow-up in September

Systematic follow-up

To maximize your chances of commercial success, it's essential to use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to track all interactions with your prospects. This tool enables you to centralize and organize information relating to each contact, keep a record of each exchange, and plan regular follow-ups. Here are a few tips for effective follow-up:

  • Centralize information: Record all interactions (emails, calls, meetings) in the CRM. This gives you a complete overview of each prospect's journey.
  • Scheduling reminders: Use CRM's reminder and alert features to schedule reminders at appropriate intervals. Be sure to follow up each contact at strategic times to maintain interest.
  • Analysis and adjustment: Analyze the data collected to identify trends and adjust your follow-up strategy accordingly. For example, you may discover that some prospects respond better to follow-ups after one week than after two days.
Message personalization

Personalization is a key factor in increasing the effectiveness of your communications. Tailoring each message to the specific needs of your prospects demonstrates not only your professionalism, but also your understanding of their issues. Here's how to effectively personalize your messages:

  • Preliminary research: Before contacting a prospect, carry out in-depth research into his or her business, needs and challenges. Use sources such as LinkedIn, the company's website, and press articles.
  • Prospect segmentation: Classify your prospects into different segments according to their characteristics (business sector, company size, specific needs) and tailor your messages accordingly.
  • Tailor-made messages: Write messages that respond directly to the issues identified by each segment. Mention specific solutions you can provide and tangible benefits for the prospect.
  • Use the data collected via CRM to refine your messages. For example, if a prospect has expressed interest in a particular feature of your product, highlight that feature in your communications.
  • Or just use Humanlinker!

5. Take advantage of networking opportunities

Informal networking

Vacations can also be a time for informal networking. Take advantage of relaxing moments to make professional connections in a less formal way. Here are some ideas for taking advantage of these opportunities:

  • Participation in social activities: Join clubs, associations or shared interest groups where you can meet professionals in your sector. (PS: I run with a Running CEO club)
  • Spontaneous discussions: Be open to spontaneous discussions on vacation. Informal conversations can often lead to unexpected business opportunities.
  • Keeping in touch: Don't forget to maintain contact with people you meet informally. A simple follow-up message can turn a casual meeting into a fruitful professional collaboration.

Prospecting in August requires a strategic approach and a degree of flexibility. By using digital tools, precisely targeting your prospects, preparing for the return to work, creating attractive content, ensuring rigorous follow-up, and taking advantage of events, you can transform this summer period into a genuine development opportunity for your business. So don't let August slow you down - think of it as a time to fine-tune your prospecting strategies and prepare for a successful return.

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