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Why use Pipedrive as a CRM for your sales strategy?

Pipedrive simplifies sales pipeline tracking, lead management and sales process automation.

According to a Hubspot study, 50% of French salespeople use Linkedin for prospecting. According to the same study, salespeople who use a CRM as part of their sales strategy exceed their sales targets by 24%.

Pipedrive is a CRM for Sales created by Sales. It makes it easy to track the sales pipeline, manage leads and automate the sales process. Everything is centralized in one place, so you can concentrate solely on selling.

Pipedrive: what type of business is it for?

Pipedrive's Advanced package is ideal for small sales teams. Automate your processes, manage your e-mail sequences and strengthen your sales relationships.

Focus on Pipedrive features:

E-mail synchronization and optimization :

Synchronize your Gmail, Outlook or corporate domain account with Pipedrive to manage your e-mails directly from the CRM. Pipedrive also provides customizable e-mail templates to help you draft your campaigns.

Setting up automated sequences :

Optimize your sales process and free your team from repetitive tasks with fully customizable automations. Create workflows from scratch or use templates tailored to your needs.

Schedule your videoconferences

Access your complete sales data history to fine-tune your sales forecasts. Create and filter customized reports with specific fields. On Pipedrive, you can also instantly share your availability with your customers to set up appointments. Automatically schedule video calls via Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams for your conferences.

In addition to developing powerful tools to optimize your sales results, Pipedrive produces regular content to support your prospecting strategy. * Click here to discover their resources.

Pipedrive: your ally in optimizing your prospecting :

In cold mailing, sales people have long been accustomed to setting up e-mailing sequences to optimize the results of their campaigns. With Pipedrive, you can take advantage of a database of 400,000 contacts for prospecting. Linked to a CRM, e-mail responses, appointment bookings and prospect data flow directly and automatically into the tool. But on Linkedin, it's a different kettle of fish. There are message automation tools on the market, but they don't work like a CRM.

Linkedin boasts 58 million companies and no less than that number of potential leads. With 85% of French decision-makers using Linkedin, prospecting is becoming a key issue. By using the social network, Linkedin has become one of the most important acquisition channels. Pipedrive, with its Surfe extension, enables you to centralize all leads automatically in your CRM. If your LinkedIn mailbox is flooded with replies, you won't miss a single opportunity in Pipedrive CRM. 

In this context, Pipedrive provides a solid answer. By linking up with your everyday tools, such as Slack, Gmail or Microsoft Teams, Pipedrive notifies you of the progress of your campaigns and the responses received to your messages. At first glance, the feature may seem simple, but it actually addresses a real problem. Linkedin messaging isn't particularly optimized for sales prospecting, and it's easy to miss a message from a lead. What's more, Pipedrive stores and organizes your prospects' data within its simple, intuitive platform.

Go to Pipedriveto access the tool and increase your conversion.

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