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Dove launches #TheFaceofTen to combat #SephoraKids

On TIkTok, Dove launches a new information campaign called #TheFaceofTen to combat the #SephoraKids trend.

Dove is launching a new TikTok information campaign called #TheFaceofTen to combat the emerging trend of #SephoraKids.

A recent study carried out by Dove as part of the "Dove for Self-Esteem" project reveals a worrying fact: almost one in four young girls (23%) is considering cosmetic surgery to alter her appearance and counter the effects of aging.

In response to the concerns of this generation, and the alarming rise in the number of 10-year-old girls resorting to anti-aging beauty routines, Dove has launched a campaign on TikTok, in partnership with experts. The aim? To give parents advice on how to protect young girls from beauty diktats and preserve their self-esteem.

The SephoraKids trend

In recent weeks, a new phenomenon has invaded the TikTok social network. Videos of young girls browsing the shelves of Sephora stores and other cosmetics stores are multiplying, to the point where it's now customary to call them "Sephora Kids". A worrying trend that can actually lead to a real addiction to beauty products not intended for them, and which represent a high risk to their skin and mental health. "Young girls' use of skincare and cosmetics containing highly active anti-ageing ingredients could damage both their self-confidence in the long term, and the health of their skin. Overexposure to content promoting adult skincare products could lead younger girls to feel a short-term need to correct flaws that don't even exist. All this contributes to the maintenance of toxic and unrealistic beauty standards", explains Dr. Phillippa Diedrichs, Doctor of Psychology and body image specialist.


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Dove launches #TheFaceof10, an information and prevention campaign

To inform young girls, "who under pressure from society and in the absence of advice on what is suitable for their skin apply unsuitable products", Dove is launching #TheFaceof10, an information and prevention campaign. The campaign aims to enable young girls to enjoy life and their youth without suffering from beauty diktats. "Since when have 10-year-old girls worried about wrinkles and aging skin? It's time to speak out to highlight the absurdity of the situation and protect their self-esteem," says Firdaous El Honsali, Global Vice President, Dove. "At Dove, we believe that beauty should be a source of happiness, not anxiety.

To counter the "SephoraKids" trend, Dove has teamed up with professionals - Dr. Phillippa Diedrichs - Doctor of Psychology at the University of West England's Appearance Research Centre - and Dr. Marisa Garshick - board-certified dermatologist and body image expert - to create "The Gen A AntiAging Talk" Dove.

This free resource is aimed at young girls to raise awareness of anti-aging skin issues and beauty anxiety. The Gen A Anti-Aging Talk campaign is broadcast on Dove's TikTok account to all parents and healthcare professionals.

In collaboration with powerful voices present on TikTok (academic experts, dermatologists, content creators...), such as actress and presenter Drew Barrymore, Dove, through this talk, is keen to raise public awareness through creative and educational content. The #TheFaceofTen campaign features make-up faces representing what a young girl should apply to her face: glitter, stickers and face paint... - not retinol or other ingredients found in anti-aging skincare products.

"As the mother of two young girls, my heart is heavy at the thought of their self-esteem being threatened. The world is pushing them to grow up too fast, bombarding them with pressurizing messages about aging," said Drew Barrymore. "In my opinion, growing old is a privilege that many are deprived of - every wrinkle is a testament to life moving forward and past experiences. I'm happy to partner with Dove on #TheFaceofTen campaign and to remind young girls that they don't need anti-aging products."

And to amplify this campaign even further at local level, Dove has teamed up with French influencers: @marleneroll's, @_aurianelavaux and @oonlynaya.

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