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Instagram: a new music option for your notes

It's official: it's now possible to add music to Instagram notes.

It's official: it's now possible to add music to Instagram notes.

Six months ago, Instagram released the notes option, a new way for platform users to offer content in a more personal way. A few days ago, Instagram announced the optimization of this new tool, thanks to the addition of music.

What's the point of music on notes?

The option is more of a gadget than a real need. With this new option, Instagram is further demonstrating its desire to compete with TikTok. What's important to understand is that behind the addition of music to content, there's a real music business. TikTok has become a distribution channel that plays a particularly important role in promoting new music. Instagram has clearly understood this: by adding music to notes, it strengthens its position with record companies and players in the music industry.

Is the Notes option really used by Instagrammers?

According to Meta, Notes is particularly popular with its young members, with over 100 million accounts held by under-18s. Going a step further, the American giant informs us that 20% of the notes published by this teenage target get replies.

We can imagine that GenZ will soon be adding the music option to its Notes. To be continued.

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