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Social Networks

How do you create an engaged community in 2024?

Between fierce competition and algorithmic changes, how do you create a truly engaged community on social networks? Focus on 6 key elements.

Between algorithmic changes and increased competition on social networks, gaining drastically in visibility in order to increase your community and engagement can seem like a particularly tedious task. However, by combining high value-added content with a push strategy, it's easy to create an engaged community on social networks.

What is engagement on social networks?

Engagement on social networks covers all actions involving interaction with your publications, such as likes, comments, shares and saves. To analyze the reach of your posts on social networks, there are several methods for calculating the engagement rate. One of them is particularly simple: you add up likes, comments, saves and shares, and divide the result by the number of subscribers, then multiply by one hundred. To understand the result, you need to know what a good engagement rate is.

Average engagement rates on social networks in 2023 :

Depending on the social networks you use, the average engagement rate varies. According to a study by empreinte digitale, here are the average engagement rates on social networks in 2023:

Instagram: 0.65

Facebook: 0.07

Linkedin: 2.6

YouTube: 1.7% of sales

TikTok: 8.5

X : 0,05%

Based on these averages (which, with the exception of TikTok, which is growing by leaps and bounds, are always trending downwards), you can compare your engagement rate per publication, and analyze their power.


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How to build a committed community in 2024?

If engagement rates don't seem particularly positive, then how do you create a truly engaged community on social networks? Focus on 6 key elements:

1 - Choosing the right social networks :

The big mistake in building brand awareness is the tendency to think that by multiplying the number of social networks used, visibility will inevitably increase. However, depending on your activity, your target audience and the amount of time you can devote to social media, the number of distribution channels needs to vary. Firstly, because it's difficult to create an effective content strategy for 4 to 6 social networks, and secondly, because you'll need to generate a community for each social network.

2 - Create valuable content :

Gone are the days of design-heavy promotional posts. In 2024, the best content will be that which brings value. Since we have to give in order to receive, we're focusing on providing advice, in clean, trendy visuals.

3 - Diversify content:

To avoid boring your subscribers, don't hesitate to diversify your content. Between photo posts, graphics, videos and even carousels, you can create a content strategy using a variety of media. In 2024, we can only advise you to bet drastically on the video format, which has been enjoying particularly strong growth in recent years thanks to the advent of TikTok.

4 - Push content to target:

Creating content is great, but if no one sees it, it's pointless. Unfortunately, and barring exceptions such as TikTok, social network algorithms won't organically push your content in front of your target audience. At least, not until you've acquired a minimum level of notoriety. That's where push practices come in. Push means pushing your content towards your target audience. And to do this completely organically, you need to be prepared to make a few efforts, such as liking or subscribing to your target's latest posts. These are redundant actions when performed by hand, but there are simple ways to automate them.

5 - Talk to your audience:

It's a bit of a beaba, and yet many companies simply publish information without ever asking their audience questions head-on. We strongly encourage you to publish stories and posts regularly, with polls, quizzes and any other means of interaction set up by social networks.

6 - Be regular :

Regularity is the keystone of your strategy. A lack of consistency in your publications could leave a gap for your competitors to steal visibility from you. Not only would it be a shame to be passed over, but when you're inconsistent, social network algorithms tend to make you pay for it.

In 2024, creating high-value content has never been so accessible. While there may seem to be many barriers to engagement, by adopting these six tips, you'll pass them with flying colors.

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