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TikTok: create 15-minute videos

Having gone from a few seconds to a few minutes, TikTok now wants to offer 15-minute videos.

While TikTok seems to be slowly positioning itself on long videos, until now it was not possible to create videos longer than ten minutes.

TikTok: On the road to full-length video?

TikTok arrived on the European market like a bulldozer, revolutionizing all current social networking practices. What sets it apart: short videos, easily edited in a matter of seconds.

However, in the last two years, TikTok has made a 360-degree turn, as to everyone's surprise, the social network has started betting on longer videos.


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Why long videos on TikTok?

The cause: the use of TikTok by its users. As always, it's the consumers who lead the way and set the trends. Among their habits are "parties", which can go from 1 to 10 without any trouble at all. Since TikTok's proposed video time was too short, content creators cut their videos into several parts. In this way, we could sometimes watch entire films, compartmentalized by sub-parts. In short, it was a nice model for the creators, since they were inviting users to click on different videos in a profile, but less comfortable for content consumers, who found themselves cut off from their viewing.

In response to this trend, but also to feedback from its users, TikTok first went from 15 seconds to 60 seconds, then to 3 minutes, to 5 minutes, before reaching 10 minutes in 2022.

TikTok: 15-minute videos?

For the moment, the new feature is only in its test phase, with only a few users having seen this little novelty appear. For its part, Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, is already offering content creators the possibility of making 30-minute videos.

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