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Burger King unveils its delivery campaign

The famous fast-food chain Burger King has already made a lot of noise with its daring campaigns. Now, once again, the company has demonstrated its mastery of communications.
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The famous fast-food chain Burger King, which has already caused a stir with its daring advertising campaigns, has once again demonstrated its mastery of communication.

A faulty delivery service

Burger King is known for having its own sense of humor. Now that the restaurant chain has opened a home delivery service with King Delivery, they've once again come up with an unusual promotional campaign.

An initial advertising spot, shared in particular on their YouTube channel and broadcast from October 10, humorously plays on the various faults that customers often criticize delivery drivers for.

So who hasn't received a late order, or a call from a deliveryman who's got the wrong address? We've all worried about receiving our order with a spilt glass inside the bag, or discovering an incomplete order.

These are drawbacks that Burger King self-deprecatingly assumes in its advertising, announcing that its new service will also have its share of imperfections.

3 commercials play with these little flaws that tend to annoy consumers. The first features a late delivery driver. The second features a new delivery driver who goes to the wrong building. Finally, in the third spot, a delivery driver realizes that he has accidentally spilled a drink while on the run.

A surprising frankness on the part of the fast-food company, but one that reminds us just how much it loves self-deprecation and humor, in order to get the word out about itself and its new products.

Burger King decided not to stop there, and went one step further, bringing this advert straight home.

Advertising that reaches us

Created by the Buzzman agency, which had already worked with the brand, this promotional campaign for the brand-new service continues its momentum, with an ever more innovative idea.

Burger King had already warned us once with its advertising, but continues to do so, printing ingenious slogans on the bags and packaging delivered direct to our homes.

A number of humorously worded sentences take the form of warnings to customers.

"We'll forget the sauces too", or "we'll be on the wrong floor too".

It's also a reminder that no one is immune to the unexpected, or to clumsiness.

This communication strategy is a direct follow-up to the launch of its previous spot, but this time it offers a significant, humorous link between the chain and its customers.

With this campaign, Burger King wants to be authentic and transparent to consumers about the potential mistakes they could make with King delivery.

A fun way to be self-critical, while continuing to guarantee optimum customer satisfaction.

With this ingenious idea, the fast-food chain once again demonstrates its ability to communicate effectively, and in an original way, around its new products, and that self-mockery is an effective tool when it comes to advertising.

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