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How is AI taking root in the customer experience?

Customer experience is at the heart of corporate strategies. In 2024, artificial intelligence will prove to be an invaluable asset.

Artificial intelligence is everywhere. For companies, it means new tools to support them in various areas, such as customer experience.

A personalized customer experience thanks to AI

Customer experience plays a crucial role in business and customer service, and artificial intelligence is proving to be a relevant asset.

AI data analysis enables better consumer care. One study has shown that customers are more likely to subscribe to a brand when they havea personalized experience with it.

The use of artificial intelligence also contributes to better overall and targeted marketing performance, and greatly facilitates operational tasks.

Chatbots, for example, can already provide a first contact for a customer service available any time of day, any day of the week. By combining the information provided, they can offer personalized and predictive responses, to provide a solution to consumers' difficulties.

In this way, these same chatbots take the workload off agents, freeing them up to concentrate on solving more complex problems.

In this way, AI also works to build customer loyalty, by proposing tailored, personalized solutions. They can even propose communication strategies to win back customers.

An improvement in customer service that can only be beneficial for companies, offering them optimized results, while benefiting from remarkable time savings.

Artificial intelligence seems to have a ready-made role to play in the customer experience of brands. However, has it succeeded in establishing itself in the corporate world?


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A large-scale study

To find out a little more about the role of artificial intelligence in the customer experience, and in contact centers in particular, contact center solutions company Odigo, led by independent consultancy Davies Hickman, has deployed a wide-ranging study on the subject. Nearly 1,035 companies, located in various European countries such as France, the UK and the Netherlands, were approached by the organization.

The results are revealing. By 2022 alone, 75% of companies had invested in artificial intelligence.

When it comes to customer experience strategy and offerings, only 20% of entrepreneurs are satisfied with their contact center's results.

Yet 79% of respondents are interested in consolidating AI in the customer experience, and 75% reported optimal and satisfactory performance when it comes to reinforcing agents.

Among those surveyed, the biggest adopters of artificial intelligence are in Spain, with 81% of entrepreneurs using it.

France comes 3rd, with 72% of conquerors in this area.

Today, artificial intelligence is making its mark on more and more areas of business. Its use in the customer experience opens up a host of possibilities for companies, while also making their work easier.

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