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How to promote your podcast in 2024?

More and more companies are creating podcasts. But while recording the format remains accessible, distributing it is more complex. Here's how to promote your podcast.

In 2023, the audio format was one of the most popular forms of content in France, with 83% of French people listening to audio every day. And among the most popular types of audio, we find podcasts, with an average of 200 million podcasts listened to every month in France in 2023.

Podcasting is growing exponentially, from 10.9 million monthly listens in 2019 to 20 million monthly listens in 2023. The numbers speak for themselves. Not only is podcasting a popular form of content, but it's likely to continue gaining ground in the hearts of the French in 2024.

Creating a podcast: for whom and how?

While in the beginning, podcasts were a format favored by radio stations and streamers, today many companies include this format in their marketing strategy. It has to be said that podcast creation has become completely democratized. All you need is a microphone, recording software like Adobe Audition and a hosting platform like Ausha, and the podcast is launched. While not all podcasts are created equal, recording a podcast has never been easier than in 2024.

How do you promote your podcast?

90% of podcasts launched never exceed 10 episodes. Despite the accessibility offered by podcast creation tools, distribution remains complicated. There are two issues to consider when deciding to launch a podcast:

- The time we're prepared to give it,

- Our ability to communicate on it.

The time we are prepared to give it:

For a podcast to find its audience, it's essential to record episodes regularly. Just like on social networks, your audience will get used to consuming your content. If you don't give them something to eat, chances are they'll end up forgetting about you, or even worse, going to the competition.

Although creating a podcast requires relatively little in the way of equipment or knowledge at the outset, it does demand a significant investment in terms of time. Between ideas, writing scripts, finding potential guests, recording, editing and broadcasting, it's important to be aware of how much time it will cost you before you get started.

Our ability to communicate on it:

Creating it is one thing, promoting it is another. Your podcast must be seen. And to do that, you need to devise an effective communication strategy around your podcast. From referencing your episodes to social networking and e-mailing, there's no shortage of techniques to ensure your podcast's visibility.


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Podcast in 2024: what communication strategy should you adopt?

First and foremost, it will be easier to promote your episodes if you already have a committed community around your activity. In 2024, social networks are the keystone of a successful communication strategy. And this is especially true when it comes to making a podcast format visible. We urge you to work upstream on your communication on social networks. Instagram, Linkedin, Threads or Facebook, choose the social networks most likely to bring you closer to your target audience.

Promoting a podcast on social networks:

The best habit to adopt when creating content is to make it adaptable to any platform. In other words: recycle your content. When you record your podcast episode, get into the habit of filming yourself at the same time. This will enable you to create short videos for Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin and Facebook. These extracts will feed your podcast's promotional strategy, while providing your audience with quality content. You kill two birds with one stone. Also, don't hesitate to create backstage stories. Not only do Internet users love them, but once again, they create additional social media content.

To create an effective promotion strategy on social networks, you need to :

- Choose your social distribution platforms,

- Create formats adapted to each platform (photos, videos, etc.),

- Regularly feed your social networks with the content you've created.

In your editorial calendar, include publications designed to promote your podcast.

Finally, take feedback from your community. Your podcast, like wine, will improve with time. Every piece of constructive feedback from your listeners is an opportunity to improve your podcast, so take it, listen and act on it.

The newsletter :

The newsletter is an interesting tool for promoting your podcast. For each episode published, program a newsletter that will be sent to your entire database. This action doesn't take much time, provided you're organized. To do this, create a template to be used to promote your episodes. Once your template is up and running, all you have to do is change the text, title and image. In no time at all, your entire base will be informed of the release of your new episode. You can imagine the impact this could have.

Proper referencing of your episodes:

SEO is all about keywords. Just like an SEO strategy, you're going to have to think about the queries most likely to be typed on social network search engines, and build your titles and descriptions around them. This requires a great deal of logic. You need to put yourself in your target's shoes, and ask yourself what they're likely to be looking for. It's all about establishing a real correlation between supply and demand, and knowing exactly what your community and customers need.

Get ratings for your podcast:

This is an often overlooked detail: ask listeners to rate the podcast. The more positive reviews you get, the more likely it is that your content will move up the listening platforms. So, at the end of your episode, include a small request for a rating, and repeat it in writing in the description.

Performance analysis to optimize your podcast :

On hosting platforms such as Ausha or Spotify for Podcaster, you'll find statistics on your episodes. At a glance, you'll quickly understand which content is getting the best results, so you can optimize your creative strategy to get even more listens.

Podcasts are a particularly popular format, with interesting prospects for development. In addition to promoting your business, it creates an involved community around you, which will serve your personal brand and your good digital reputation in every way. We urge you to give this format a try, and above all, to promote it properly.

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