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Study: How does Google rank content?

Creating high-quality, relevant content increases your chances of getting a better SEO score.

Achieving consistent rankings at the top of Google is (unfortunately) not just about "excellent content" or "excellent user experience". Consequently, the work of an SEO specialist often resembles that of a detective investigating a crime scene: trying to make sense of clues and anticipate patterns. Semrush sheds light on the latest developments in the Google algorithm.

In its report: "Google Ranking Factors", Semrush, the global digital marketing specialist, has scanned over 300,000 Google results to analyze the ranking factors that determine page placement on the world' s leading search engine. The study reveals a major change. Whereas until now, ranking in the results pages was largely dependent on SEO optimization, Google now seems to have a preference for relevant content. A game-changing development: content creators will be able to focus more on readers' expectations and less on the algorithm.

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For this study, Semrush analyzed a sample of 16,298 filtered keywords (to exclude navigational, branded, adult and misspelled queries). For each keyword, the first 20 results were analyzed, resulting in the 300,000 organic positions analyzed for this ranking.

Of the multiple factors analyzed, those that most strongly influence SERP (Search Engine Result Page) ranking are text relevance and organic traffic from the URL and domain. Quality content not only attracts readers, but also contributes to a positive user experience, a factor that search engines are increasingly valuing.

"By creating high quality, relevant content, you not only increase your chances of higher rankings, but you also build a solid reputation and trust among web users, essential elements for long-term online success," explains Julie Farley, Marketing Director EMEA at Semrush.

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The two most important factors in the "content" category are text relevance and content quality, with correlation rates of 0.47 and 0.17 respectively. (This correlation rate represents the strength of the link between the value of a factor and its position on the SERPs). The curve below shows the link between text relevance and page positioning in queries, underlining just how important text relevance is for ranking well in the results provided by Google. The more relevant the text, i.e. the more closely it relates to the user's query, the higher the page would be displayed in the results. Hence the importance for copywriters to write with their audience in mind, with an explicit theme.


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Similarly, top-ranked pages have quality content, as defined by the guide provided by Google. Best practices include creating content that addresses real issues for readers, writing for the audience, not the algorithm. Content written in a clear and intelligible way, with trust signals as to the author's legitimacy on the subject, will naturally include keywords relevant to the algorithm and enhance the user experience.

In addition to focusing on the quality of internal content, it is also necessary to focus on building a solid external presence through a well-selected network of backlinks aligned with the interests of the target audience.

‍"These links not only tell search engines that your content is reliable and valuable, they also broaden your site's exposure to a wider audience," explains Julie Farley. Links from other sites to your project are like positive references that convey authority. Transparency about authorship and qualifications, as well as reference to reliable sources, are important indicators of credibility in any online context. "

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The study also highlights factors that have a negative impact on ranking: number of tables (-0.02 correlation), age of content in days (-0.02), number of words in title (-0.05), bounce rate (-0.06), server response time (0.06). These are all factors linked to the user experience, who prefers clear, readable text and pages that load quickly.

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