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Commercial prospecting: Practical Guide 2024

With competition intensifying in 2024, prospecting without a robust sales prospecting strategy is like sailing without a compass.

Everything you need to know about commercial prospecting is in this article.

In an increasingly competitive business world, prospecting without a robust sales prospecting strategy is like sailing without a compass. You risk wasting resources, time and credibility. The key lies in developing an ultra-precise prospecting approach that integrates methodology, strategy, CRM, pipeline and acquisition channels.

So how do you develop a winning strategy in 2024? What prospecting techniques should you adopt? What tools will be crucial to maximizing your effectiveness this year?

Find out everything you need to know to launch or refine your prospecting efforts for the coming year. Start your journey now.

What is commercial prospecting? 

Every salesperson's journey begins with an understanding of the fundamentals of sales prospecting. In this chapter, we'll delve deeper into the key concepts to ensure your success in this adventure.

First of all, let's clarify a common but mistaken idea: sales prospecting isn't just about selling your products or services. If you have this conception, you're off to a good start, but it's essential to re-calibrate your understanding. Sales prospecting, often referred to as "outreach", encompasses all the strategies and efforts deployed to attract and identify new prospects or leads. It's a proactive approach that precedes and feeds into the sales phase.

The ultimate ambition of any sales person is to turn these prospects into loyal customers, ready to invest in your offers. However, to achieve this conversion, the prospecting strategy must be meticulous and effective.

To this end, the digital age offers an array of innovative tools to refine your approach. DATA DNA, for example, is a prospecting solution that enables you to collect relevant information on your potential prospects through different channels such as LinkedIn, Email, and Phone. Once this data is in hand, the challenge is to engage these prospects across multiple platforms in a fluid, personalized way. Here,Hubspot 's HubSales Pro automation tool comes into play. With this platform, you can pre-configure your messages in a semi-automated prospecting sequence, ensuring interactions that resonate naturally and effectively with your prospects.

In short, mastering sales prospecting is much more than a simple act of selling. It's the art of connection, discovery and, ultimately, conversion. In the following sections, we'll explore more techniques, tips and best practices for perfecting the art of prospecting.


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Why do you need commercial prospecting? 

Welcome to the second stage of your journey towards mastering sales prospecting. In this section, we're going to break down the crucial issues involved in prospecting, to highlight the multiple benefits it brings to modern businesses.

Today's commercial environment is characterized by increasingly demanding consumers, who have neither the time nor the patience for unsolicited or poorly targeted sales approaches. Imagine walking down the street, accosted by a myriad of solicitations; or worse, interrupted in the middle of an activity by an unwelcome phone call. Such scenarios only serve to reinforce a feeling of rejection and annoyance towards companies.

This is particularly true in the context of sales, whether B2B or B2C. If your approach is clumsy or inappropriate, not only are you wasting your prospects' valuable time, you're also wasting your own. More seriously, you risk tarnishing your company's image.

However, the art of selling is more than a simple transaction. It's a delicate dance between understanding your customer's needs, establishing a relationship of trust and proposing a suitable solution. To succeed in this dance, a solid prospecting strategy is essential. It serves as a compass, directing your efforts towards relevant targets, while maximizing the effectiveness of each interaction.

At the end of the day, successful prospecting is much more than a simple quest for customers; it's a thoughtful approach that seeks to build real relationships, deliver tangible value and ensure the sustainable growth of your business.

In the sections to come, we'll explore the tools and tactics that will help you successfully navigate this complex landscape.

How to do sales prospecting right? 

Let's delve deeper into the world of prospecting by focusing on its fundamental mechanics. In this step, we'll deconstruct the prospecting process, giving you a clear, structured route to building your winning strategy.

The reality of selling is unequivocal: without a robust, well-thought-out plan, you're sailing blind, and the chances of getting lost are high. Establishing a prospecting strategy requires not only diligence, but also deep introspection.

Let's start with a systematic analysis:

  • Objectives: First and foremost, you need to define exactly what you want to achieve. Is it an increase in direct sales? Is it to expand your professional network through strategic appointments? Or would you rather expand your customer portfolio by offering samples? Each objective requires its own techniques and tools.
  • Target identification / KPI: Who are you doing this for? Draw up a profile of your ideal customer. Understanding the needs, desires and behaviors of your target audience is the foundation on which your strategy is built.
  • Defining KPIs: In more concrete terms, set key performance indicators. What revenue do you expect to achieve by the end of the month or year? How many conversions, appointments or interactions do you expect?
  • Create Milestones: Segment your itinerary into tangible, measurable steps. Every milestone you reach is a sign that you're on the right track. And if a milestone proves difficult to reach, it may be a sign that you need to readjust your approach.

The whole prospecting process is like a well-oiled machine. Each element is essential and contributes to the smooth running of the whole. By following this structured method, you'll not only avoid common pitfalls, but also maximize your chances of success at every stage of your prospecting journey.

Tip: Aligning objectives with tangible results provides a clear vision of the effectiveness of your strategy. By placing sales at the heart of your actions, you can quickly assess the volume of sales needed to reach your financial targets. Use your conversion rate to extrapolate the number of prospects you need to engage.

  • Detecting the tipping point: At the heart of every interaction with a prospect lies a "tipping point" or "trigger". This is the moment when a specific need or pain is identified, transforming a simple contact into a qualified prospect. This trigger often reflects a gap in their current experience, which your product or service can fill. The secret is to immerse yourself in the market, listen actively on social platforms, devour market research and engage in open dialogue. Once you've identified that trigger, it's time to present your tailored solution.
  • Segmentation & Personalization: Imagine trying to sell a cat collar to a Labrador owner. Sounds incongruous, doesn't it? Precision is the name of the game. Many companies fall into the trap of generalization, overlooking the importance of segmentation. Every prospect is unique, with his or her own needs, desires and contexts. Classify your prospects into relevant categories - whether by age, profession, income, interests, buying behavior or geolocation.
  • Optimized tools for B2B prospecting: LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Waalaxy prove to be a powerful tandem in this space. Sales Navigator facilitates the creation of robust, targeted prospect lists. Waalaxy goes further, extracting additional data to refine your approaches. And let's not forget the power of automated sequences: couple your LinkedIn messages with personalized e-mails via Hubspot CRM for a seamless, integrated process.

In short, prospecting is not a simple approach. It's a delicate dance, a fusion of strategy, personalization and technological innovation. The right tool, the right approach and the right listening skills are essential to transform a simple contact into a loyal customer.

⚠️ RGPD: An essential step in Prospecting

In a world where data has become the new oil, protecting that data takes on paramount importance. Before you embark on any prospecting initiative, it's imperative to ensure compliance with data protection regulations, particularly the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation).

  • What is the RGPD? : Adopted by the European Union, the RGPD sets out strict rules on how EU citizens' personal data must be processed, collected and protected.
  • Consequences of non-compliance: Ignoring or violating these guidelines, even unintentionally, can result in heavy financial penalties, not to mention potential damage to your company's reputation.

In short, in today's digital age, RGPD compliance is not just a legal obligation, but a token of trust and respect towards your customers and prospects. A proactive approach to data protection will enhance your credibility and strengthen your customers' trust in your company.

What tools do you need for sales prospecting? 

In today's digital landscape, capturing and holding consumers' attention is a challenge. Indeed, with an online attention span estimated at just 8 seconds, every second counts in making a lasting impression. Whether face-to-face, on the phone or on social media, the effectiveness of your pitch depends on the channel you choose to engage your audience.

It's crucial to understand where your ideal audience is. Are you using the right social network? Does your target audience prefer YouTube videos, or are they more inclined to watch specific TV channels? Are they receptive to phone calls, or do they prefer detailed e-mails? Tools like Hubspot or Waalaxy can help you answer these questions. They offer the possibility of conducting A/B tests to identify the most effective channels for your target audience, whether email, LinkedIn or other platforms.

Selection of appropriate sales prospecting tools

Faced with the mass of information and data available, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Yet optimal organization and precise decision-making are essential to ensure the effectiveness of your prospecting efforts. That's where the importance of a robust customer relationship management (CRM) system like Hubspot comes in.

By choosing the right CRM, you won't just benefit from better organization. In fact, studies have shown that a company that makes effective use of a high-performance CRM can increase its sales by up to 15%. Beyond the numbers, a CRM gives you a complete perspective, offering a 360° view of your databases. This enables you to track every interaction with a prospect, understand their journey and adjust your techniques accordingly to maximize conversions. In a world where every interaction counts, equipping yourself with the right tools is the first step towards sales success.

  • L'ADN DATA, plateforme de prospection - Data as a starting point. (Psss: don't hesitate to set up a demonstration with me)
  • Hubspot, to centralize data and develop your 2024 acquisition processes
  • DropContact, with integrated API for updating and cleaning up your CRM
  • Waalaxy, to support your e-mail and telephone prospecting with Linkedin.

In 2024, sales prospecting is an evolving art

Every company has its own challenges and objectives, but there are tried and tested techniques that have proven their worth in different sectors. In this segment, we'll dive into the wealth of these techniques, shedding light on their advantages, disadvantages and how to implement them.

What's the best prospecting technique?

1. Cold calling

Although some may consider cold calling to be an archaic technique, there's no denying that it still holds a prominent place in the prospecting panorama. Cold calling involves calling potential prospects, usually from a list provided by the marketing department. However, this method has its challenges. As a recent study points out, it can take up to 18 attempts to get a qualified interview. However, when executed correctly, with proper preparation and a personalized approach, it can be highly effective.

2. Social Selling

With the emergence and growing popularity of social networks, social selling has taken off. This method involves using platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to identify, engage and sell to prospects. Unlike cold calling, it allows for a gentler approach, building relationships and engaging prospects with relevant content before making an offer.

3. Emailing

Email remains a powerful channel for prospecting. Unlike a phone call, which can be interrupting, an email gives prospects the freedom to respond at their own pace. However, success lies in personalization and sending relevant content.

4. Prospecting through events and trade fairs

Attending conferences, trade shows or networking events can be a great way to meet prospects face-to-face, build relationships and present your solutions face-to-face.

5. Content Marketing

Providing valuable content in the form of blogs, articles, videos, etc., draws prospects to you rather than having to search for them. It's a more passive method, but in the long term, it positions your company as an authority in your field.

6. Using Technology

With technological innovation, tools like chatbots, webinars, and prospecting automation platforms are available to companies to improve their prospecting efficiency.

Ultimately, the key to success in sales prospecting lies in the ability to adapt and combine different techniques to meet the unique needs of your company and your target market.

Key points to remember for prospecting in 2024 :

In this section, we'll take a look at the key concepts presented in this guide. Make sure you've mastered the points mentioned above. With a solid grounding in sales prospecting, you're ready for action. Here are the crucial aspects to keep in mind:

  • Design of a targeted military prospecting plan.
  • Clarifying your objectives (SQL, MQL)
  • Adherence to data protection regulations.
  • Careful selection of your entry points and prospecting channels.
  • Optimizing results using appropriate tools (CRM)
  • Analysis-based evaluation and adaptation.
  • Document the sales method and process (Sales Playbook)
  • Ongoing team training with a Sales Manager 
  • Increase targets and sales.

Semi-automate your sales prospecting with Hubspot and an external sales force.

In this final section, we'll introduce you to Hubspot, a partner of choice for task automation. Save valuable time and generate more leads! You may be wondering how to manage all these processes. The answer lies in sales automation.

In addition, our partner Makead can outsource your sales force, from the SDR to the Head of Sales. Thanks to this prospecting agency, you can deploy a multi-channel prospecting strategy without the need to hire additional staff. They implement proven strategies, then train newcomers to integrate them seamlessly into their approach.

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