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Highlighter selection: the prize for entrepreneurs who speak out

A look back at La Sélection du Surligneur, a beautiful ceremony during which 10 entrepreneurs were rewarded for their social networking.

Here's a look back at the first edition of La Sélection du Surligneur, a wonderful ceremony during which 10 entrepreneurs were rewarded for their social networking achievements.

Organized by Le Surligneur, Le Crayon's PR and personal branding agency, the awards ceremony was hosted by Sixtine Moullé-Berteaux, co-founder of Le Crayon and CEO of Le Surligneur. Accompanied by Charlie Perreau from Les Echos and Laure de Clebsattel from France Digital, Sixtine revealed the names of the 10 winners of this first edition.

The Highlighter Selection: who are the winners?

The 10 winners of the first edition of La Sélection du Surligneur have particularly varied profiles. Each works in a different field, but that doesn't stop them from shining on social networks, thanks to the quality of the content they produce.

Focus on the 10 winners:

Shubham SHARMA, Vincent Klingbeil, Frédéric Mazzella, Raphaella Nolleau, Amandine Bart, Benoît Dubos, Yasmine DOUADI, Owen Simonin, Stéphanie Delestre, Victor Habchy,

Highlighter Selection: An inspiring evening

Émilie Daversin, co-founder of VO2 Group, and Matthieu Stefani, co-founder of CosaVostra and podcaster, were the sponsors of the event. Each gave motivating speeches, combining life stories and messages of hope. Émilie Daversin's commitment to women entrepreneurs was particularly noteworthy: in just a few minutes, she breathed a breath of empowerment into the evening, and it felt good.

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