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Neosilver joins the very first Impact 40 class

Neosilver joins the very first class of the Impact 40 of Mouvement Impact France

Neosilver, a socially responsible initiative offering activities and workshops tailored to the needs and aspirations of seniors, announces its nomination as a winner of the IMPACT40 index.

Neosilver, a social startup

What if real life began when you stopped working? Every year in France, some 650,000 senior citizens enter a new phase in their lives: retirement. After a life punctuated by work and obligations, it's time for "time for oneself": learning a new language, taking up dance or photography, taking cooking classes... Yet the range of activities on offer to seniors remains scarce or unsuitable.

Founded in 2018 by Jean Hennequin and Omar Bennouna, Neosilver was born of the desire of these two friends to undertake business with a strong social impact , inspired by the societal challenges of aging. With a range of over 120 activities, from wellness and sports workshops to arts and crafts, Neosilver "works on the body and mind of seniors, to strengthen their social ties, confidence and self-esteem". Available at home or in specialized establishments, these activities are led by nearly 4,000 Neosilver-trained staff to meet the needs of seniors throughout France. This ambition has now been recognized by the IMPACT40 index, which highlights companies with a positive impact and the future unicorns of the social economy.


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What is the IMPACT40 index?

The IMPACT40 index, launched by Mouvement Impact France, aims to identify and promote French companies whose business model makes a significant contribution to the ecological and social transition. Companies must be less than ten years old, have sales of at least one million euros, at least 20 employees and have an environmental, social or economic impact at the heart of their activity. To qualify for this status, a company must prove that it avoids €50 million in costs to society.

Neosilver's inclusion in this index illustrates its commitment to a more inclusive society, attentive to the needs of senior citizens.

As an IMPACT40 winner, Neosilver will benefit from :

  • Acceleration support: collective training sessions with other prizewinners, impact measurement support, advocacy strategy support ;‍
  • High-profile events: a start-up / CAC40 meeting and a meeting with 50 impact‍ financiers.
  • Privileged access to France expérimentation: an interministerial mechanism that removes legal obstacles to innovative projects, by granting exemptions on an experimental basis.

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