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54% of those aged 18 and over watch influencer content

According to 34% of 18+ year-olds, the role of influencers / content creators is to share opinions on products / brands.

Influence is now a part of life for more than half of French people: 54% of those aged 18 and over watch content from influencers/creators at least several times a week. This figure rises to 88% among 18-34 year-olds.

Two studies conducted by Webedia reveal that the French see clearly the role of influencers / content creators and what they bring to the table. According to 34% of those over 18, the role of influencers/creators of content is to share opinions on products/brands. For 30%, their role is to share their world, their daily life (47% of 18-34 year-olds), 25% to give good deals and discounts, and 21% to inspire.

What do the French expect from influencers?  

  • 41% want designers to talk about a product they already consume.
  • 36% that it is spontaneous and does not recite the brand's message,
  • 29% are selective in the brands they work with
  • 26% know how to answer questions from their community about the product being promoted (34% among 18-34 year-olds).

To complement the consumer viewpoint, Webedia also surveyed a sample of influencers to find out their selection criteria for collaborating with brands: relevance to their universe (82%) and consistency with their values (63%) are the items they favor.

Webedia also questioned the French on the concrete form of partnership they preferred. Among the types of content they appreciate most are product tutorials and tests (38%), product reviews (28% of all French people, and 37% of 18-34 year-olds) and competitions and challenges (24% of those aged 18 and over, and 34% of 18-34 year-olds).

For their part, creators assert that, whatever the form of partnership, their communities expect ever more authentic content.


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What is the impact of influencers on the consumer buying journey?

Another study confirms the role of influence in the lives of the French. Content creators/influencers, consumer opinions and friends and family: for the French, each recommendation lever has a very specific role. For 55% of French people aged 18 and over, renowned creators help them discover new products (87% of 18-34 year-olds). Consumer reviews, on the other hand, help people to understand a product (51% of French people use them to judge product quality, 39% to find out if it's right for them, and 30% to understand the product's features), and to decide whether or not to buy: for 72% of French people, consumer reviews and ratings on the Internet are important when it comes to making a purchase. But while consumer reviews can motivate a purchase, they can also dissuade one: 63% of those aged 18 and over have already given up on a purchase because of these reviews (79% of those aged 18-34).

(1) Survey of a panel of 1,000 individuals aged 18 and over conducted from March 12 to 14 by the Dynata Institute.   

(2) Study carried out by Webedia, on 247 content creators (35,000 Instagram followers on average).

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