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Management software for VSEs and SMEs

Axonaut's ambition is to simplify management for small and medium-sized French businesses. Today, 60,000 professionals manage their business from A to Z from the Axonaut platform.

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Subscription invoicing, customer follow-up, sales management, financial monitoring... Axonaut is a complete, ergonomic and reliable solution!

Axonaut features

  • Quotation and invoice
  • Sales Management / CRM
  • Prospecting, in particular with the LinkedIn Extension
  • Treasury
  • Accounting
  • Project management
  • Marketing
  • Inventory management

"With our management software, Axonaut saves time for business owners. Invoices, quotations, reminders for unpaid invoices, etc. are all just a click away. Today, to carry out these tasks, small businesses have nothing or use Excel, but future legislation on electronic invoicing will no longer allow this", comments Nicolas Ricard, Axonaut's CEO and co-founder.

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