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Semrush: Julie Farley explains Google's algorithms

Google's algorithm now gives priority to quality, relevant content.

How does Google rank content? This is the main question on the minds of anyone striving to improve a website's organic visibility. Over the years, Google has become more transparent in sharing information and advice with webmasters and SEO specialists.

However, conflicting or generic advice online, regular algorithm and system updates, and discrepancies between official guidance and rewarded content in the SERPs can often confuse marketers. To understand this, Semrush has used the one thing that can help clear up the confusion: data. Julie Farley, EMEA Marketing Director at Semrush, explains.

What surprised you most about this study?

At the end of this study, it is striking to note that SEO practices are constantly evolving to adapt to changes in Google's ranking criteria. A significant trend revealed by this analysis is the increasing emphasis on relevance and quality of content, as opposed to older factors such as keywords and backlinks. Each update to Google's algorithm requires a re-evaluation of SEO strategy, underlining the importance of SEO specialists remaining constantly informed and flexible to align themselves with Google's changing requirements.

This study highlights the importance of closely monitoring the evolution of Internet users' search behavior. Google's ranking criteria are directly influenced by these online search habits, underlining the need to adapt its tactics in line with these evolutions. This underscores the importance of staying attuned to users' needs and behaviors, while implementing good SEO practices to ensure an optimal and sustainable online presence.

What do these changes, which are more focused on relevance, mean?

Recent years have seen significant changes in Google's ranking criteria. Initially focused on elements such as keywords and backlinks, Google's algorithm has gradually evolved towards a more comprehensive approach, emphasizing content relevance and quality. This transition aims to improve the search experience for users, with a more sophisticated algorithm that integrates semantic understanding, relevance to queries and user engagement on results pages. Our study highlights the growing importance of these criteria, emphasizing that pages offering relevant and engaging content have a better chance of ranking favorably. This demonstrates Google's commitment to adapting to changing user expectations and promoting more effective search results.

This move towards relevance is part of a wider initiative to improve the overall quality of search results. Google is looking to favor informative and useful content, tailored to search intent, rather than simply rewarding traditional SEO practices. As a result, SEO specialists need to adjust their strategies, focusing on creating quality content, understanding the needs of their target audience and optimizing for optimal user experience. While ranking criteria may evolve, this focus on relevance appears to be an enduring aspect of Google's strategy, underlining the growing importance of websites delivering real, relevant value.


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Do you think these developments are linked to the growing presence of AI?

SEO is an evolving business, and the generative search experience is just one piece of this ever-changing puzzle. It's true that the integration of AI into Google's algorithms enables a deeper understanding of search queries and the content available on the web. This increased ability to interpret the meaning behind users' searches has led to a shift in ranking criteria, placing greater emphasis on content relevance and quality.

AI also enables search results to be tailored to individual user preferences, reinforcing theimportance of personalizing the user experience. Indeed, personalizing the user experience has become a crucial aspect of SEO. By understanding the specific needs and preferences of each user, search engines like Google can deliver more relevant and satisfying search results. This means that websites must not only offer quality content, but also strive to provide a personalized user experience, tailored to visitors' expectations and behaviors. This personalization of the user experience is made possible in part by the use of AI in search algorithms, underlining the growing importance of this technology in the evolution of SEO.

At the heart of it all, truly understanding what audiences are looking for, creating experiences that delight them, and keeping up with the way they search is essential. Focusing on a few ranking factors as the "most important" misses the point. SEO isn't about quick fixes; it's about investigation. It requires a comprehensive strategy that digs deep, examining everything from content quality to user engagement.

If you had to choose just 3 or 4 ranking factors, which would you recommend?

If I had to recommend just three or four ranking factors to be well-referenced on Google, I'd highlightcontent optimization, building quality backlinks, page speed and mobile optimization, as well as competitive intelligence. Content optimization remains fundamental, as it ensures that your site meets the expectations of both users and search engines. This means paying particular attention to title tags, meta-descriptions, structuring content with headings, and the relevant use of keywords. At the same time, building high-quality backlinks strengthens your domain's authority and boosts your ranking in search results. In addition, page speed and mobile optimization have become essential factors in Google's algorithm, as they contribute to a satisfactory user experience. Compressing images, limiting the use of plugins and choosing lightweight themes all help to improve loading speed, while mobile optimization ensures that your site is accessible and functional on mobile devices, which have become preponderant in online searches. Finally, competitive intelligence is an often underestimated aspect of SEO, but one that can make all the difference. Monitoring your competitors' actions enables you to discover keyword and backlink opportunities, as well as understand market trends. By adapting your strategy based on this information, you can strengthen your positioning and stay competitive in your industry.

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