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Prospecting and omnichannel marketing: the figures you need to know in 2024

What impact does omnichannel marketing (e-mail, SMS, push) have on conversion rates?

Omnisend publishes a report analyzing the impact of omnichannel marketing messages (e-mail, SMS, Push) on conversion rates. Spoiler: it works.

Omnisned, the omnichannel marketing platform used by over 100,000 merchants, studied over 186 million messages sent by French e-commerce companies in 2023, including e-mails, SMS (600,000) and push notifications (600,000). These messages generated more than 400,000 sales in France, and helped the platform's French customers earn more than 36 million euros. "The infinite number of paid channels and their inconsistency make them difficult to maintain, especially for those with limited budgets," says Greg Zakowicz, e-commerce marketing expert at Omnisend. "That's why it's important to stay focused on marketing tactics that work. Omnichannel marketing using e-mail, SMS and push messages has increased conversion rates by almost 500%. If you add automation, the results are even better."

Action-triggered (automated) messages are up to six times more effective

Researchers at Omnisend found that action-triggered (or automated) e-mails, SMS and push notifications performed much better than programmed messages. Automated messages included those sent to customers when they abandoned their shopping cart, signed up for a newsletter or when their favorite item was back in stock.

For automated e-mails, the conversion rate per click (conversion rates per click check the sales rate of people who click on a message) rose from 6% to 36%. For SMS, it rose from 1% to 5%. Automated push notifications saw their conversion rate rise from 9% to 53%.


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Email campaigns: food and beverages, pets, beauty and fitness have the highest conversion rates

The French industries with the highest conversion rate per click in 2023 are food and beverages (27.5%), pets (13.5%) and beauty and fitness (10%). The lowest conversion rate per click is for health and wellness (0.07%), computers (2%) and travel (2.1%).

"The varying results from one sector to another can be influenced by many factors, including the number of messages sent, the content of the e-mails or the percentage of automated messages," explains Greg Zakowicz. "One thing we do know is that brands that combine e-mail, SMS and web push messages in their marketing campaigns, and use behavior-based automation, generate more sales."

How can brands evolve their omnichannel marketing strategy in 2024?

  • Explore other communication channels: if you've previously only used e-mail to communicate with your customers, SMS and push notifications are a good starting point for expanding your "portfolio". Finding the best channel to talk to your customers will help you generate more sales and increase your conversion rate.
  • Use automations: whether e-mail, SMS or push messages, automated messages are far more effective than programmed campaigns. If you're not sure where to start, we recommend you start with the most effective automated messages: cart abandonment, browse abandonment and welcome messages.
  • Prioritize list enrichment across different channels: enriching your e-mail, SMS and push lists helps brands maximize their ROI by keeping order data from all channels in one place, and enables them to market to someone who unsubscribes from one channel (such as e-mail) through another (such as SMS).
  • Optimize e-mail templates for conversion: if you haven't already done so, take the time to analyze your e-mail templates and add elements likely to turn e-mail openers into buyers. You can make your e-mail campaigns more effective by promoting services such as free delivery, return policies, satisfaction guarantees and customer service availability. Adding social proof, such as product reviews and customer testimonials, can also help.

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