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Sales prospecting figures

Sales prospecting is essential to the success of your business. Tips and figures for generating new business.

From identifying customers to finding quality prospects and maintaining a dynamic pipeline, sales prospecting is essential to your company's success. Well-organized prospecting can help you close more deals and increase your revenues.

Successful prospecting requires time management skills, a proactive mindset and the ability to communicate effectively. A real challenge for sales teams. So how do you optimize the tools at your disposal? Tips and figures for generating newbizz.

Prospect by e-mail

The use of e-mail has always been effective. This mode of operation is becoming more and more popular, especially with the increased development of digital. The advantage of this approach is that it's cost-effective and reaches a wide audience. But be careful: to make sure your e-mail doesn't go unnoticed, you need to tailor your message to your target audience and your services.

Does prospecting with emailing software work?

  • According to a HubSpot study, an estimated 31% of e-mails are opened.
  • This method of prospecting is very popular, as 50% of customers like to receive promotional e-mails.
  • The best day to send an email is Tuesday according to 27% of marketing professionals who responded to the HubSpot survey, followed by Monday with 19%.
  • 59% of consumers say that emailing influences their purchasing decision.

Telephone prospecting

For telephone exchanges that move away from traditional sales pitches such as those that can be found emanating from call centers, you can favor different approaches depending on the customer's profile:

  • Standard approach: a concise presentation of the product or service to be promoted, followed by the prospect's desire to find out more or place an order.
  • Direct approach: presents one or more problems at the outset that can be solved by the product or service proposed.
  • Hyper-qualified approach: puts the prospect at the heart of the call, with a personalized approach to the possible problems he or she may be facing, in order to offer a sales pitch that matches his or her expectations in every respect.

Does telephone prospecting work?

For companies, SMS is a formidable weapon for attracting the interest of future customers. It's a tool at the very heart of commercial prospecting.

  • A company makes around 52 calls in 1 day. 45% of prospects contacted by phone make a purchase.
  • Over 81% of sales are made after the 5th phone call.
  • 80% of customers dislike telephone contact and prefer to talk to companies by e-mail.

Prospecting by SMS

Although the numbers are growing all the time, SMS is not the most widely used communication channel for businesses. The good news is that this leaves plenty of scope for those who want to activate this lever. Canvassing by SMS or MMS is possible, provided people have given their explicit consent before being canvassed.

There are two exceptions to this principle:

  • If the person being canvassed is already a customer of the company and if the canvass concerns similar products or services provided by the same company.
  • If the prospecting is not of a commercial nature (e.g. charitable).

Rules to observe

  • SMS advertising "must exclusively contain advertising or promotional content relating to similar products or services published by the same publisher, and accessible from a cell phone" during an SMS marketing campaign. There are rules to be observed when using SMS.
  • The company must clearly identify itself to private customers.
  • According to the RGPD law and CNIL recommendations: When prospecting by SMS, people have a right to object.
  • Sending commercial SMS messages is strictly forbidden between 8pm and 8am on calendar days, all day on Sundays and on public holidays.

Does SMS prospecting work?

  • According to Médiamétrie, 92% of marketing SMS messages are read within 4 minutes of receipt.
  • 53% of French people say they like receiving SMS messages from companies, whether or not they are already customers.
  • Similarly, 47% of customers discover new companies by using SMS marketing and reading advertisements.
  • Finally, 60% of customers solicited by SMS actually go to the store to buy.


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Suggest a sales meeting

Before you land a sales appointment, you need to understand what's at stake. Tips for securing a sales appointment:

  • Preparing the ground
  • Communicate your intention clearly
  • Know what you can add to your prospect's business
  • Understand the needs, expectations and challenges inherent in your prospect's market
  • Have an argument, a story to tell to convince him

Does offering a sales meeting work?

Two statistics should be taken into account:

  • 30% of appointments are accepted on first contact.
  • 1 real business opportunity is created after an average of 100 calls.

Prospecting with or without CRM

CRM is an indispensable tool for salespeople, and often delivers rapidly visible results. It can be used to centralize customer and prospect data, track interactions and improve the effectiveness of sales actions.

How to use CRM effectively

  • Choosing the right CRM for your needs
  • Customize your CRM
  • Train your teams to use CRM

What are the risks of not using CRM?

  • Loss of efficiency
  • Loss of information
  • Loss of customers

Does prospecting with CRM work?

  • Salespeople using CRM exceed their annual sales target by more than 24%.
  • Among companies with CRM, 74% are seeing their performance increase.
  • 66% of their customers are satisfied
  • 40% become loyal

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