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Social Networks

What does Facebook look like in 2023?

Facebook wants 40% of the content consumed by its users to be content recommended by its algorithms. Changes and evolutions, focus on what's new for Facebook in 2023.

What did you do in 2022? Much? All the better. For her part, Meta watched her networks suffer while Tiktok danced the mia.

In 2023, what will become of Facebook?

It looks like our founding father has been hit hard by the wrath of the Tiktokeuse generation. The algorithmic strategy of "short videos" has called into question the whole of Facebook's practices, and in the face of the platform's dynamic trends, the company hasn't really known what to do.

But Mark Zuckerberg claims to have a plan to revive Facebook. According to Meta, posts recommended by artificial intelligence will arrive in your News Feed.

Mark Zuckerberg explains:

"What's basically going to happen is that over the next year or two, we're going to start showing more recommended content in the News Feed. And we'll know we're doing a good job because the early content will displace other content, and either the displacement of that content will lead to negative reactions from people, and lead to people connecting less to each other in all the metrics we focus on, or it will actually lead to people connecting more and being more satisfied with the product."

This may well drastically change the codes of the platform, which until now has been closed to a network chosen by the user.

Mark Zuckerberg claims that the great advantage of Facebook is its diversity of content. On the network, you can post photos, videos or simple texts, as well as all the other features you're familiar with. The Meta boss is convinced that this added value, along with AI, will give Facebook a head start.

Eventually, Mark Zuckerberg wants 40% of the content on News Feed to come from people you don't follow.

For a network whose main advantage is the link it creates between the members of your inner circle, this is quite a challenge.

The big difference between TikTok and other social networks is that it sees itself as an entertainment platform, not a social network.

So where is the right balance for Facebook?

Meta explains that most exchanges take place via DM, not least because users use social networks first for entertainment and then to interact with their loved ones.

Other changes :

In addition to this algorithm change, Facebook is keen to promote the use of avatars in a number of areas. According to Meta, avatars are an excellent way of communicating with others. In short: welcome to the metaverse.

Speaking of the metaverse, this is indeed the destiny towards which Facebook wishes to move. The development of VR glasses is on the drawing board. To be continued.

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Facebook and Instagram: Meta's social networks officially in decline

What will Facebook look like in 2024?

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