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Instagram tests a new type of collaborative post

Instagram is experimenting with a new type of collaborative post. It would allow users to add their own content to an already existing post.

Instagram tests a new type of collaborative post

This summer, X and Threads stole the show from other social networks. We've heard very little about Instagram, and yet an interesting option is in the pipeline.

Instagram is currently experimenting with a new type of collaborative post. It would allow users to add their own content to an already existing post. This new feature was shared by Alessandro Peluzzi, developer at Instagram.

Post collaboratif, good or bad idea?

Instagram is once again proving its desire to turn the social network into a true sharing hub, focused on collaboration rather than individuality. It's hard to be sure that the option will be adopted by content creators. Collaborative posts have their limits, and adding content to an existing post could be perceived as intrusive in the eyes of Instagrammers. Nevertheless, Alessandro Peluzzi explained that it was possible for the post creator to approve or reject the addition of content by a third-party member.

Collaborative posts: a good idea for brands

If collaborative posts are validated by Instagram, they could be one of the best existing boosts for corporate UGC (User Generated Content ) publications. While creating engagement, they would also create a genuine tacit link between communities and brands.

When are the collaborative posts coming out?

For the moment, no date has been announced, the option is still in testing and Instagram has made no official announcement regarding the rollout of collaborative posts.

Instagram: what else is new?

A few days ago, users of the network spotted a small, unimportant but amusing change: like has changed on Instagram. For years, double-clicking on a post added a like, the action of which was illustrated by a white heart in the middle of the image. It seems that Instagram has decided to improve its like, since the white heart has been transformed into a colored heart, appearing dynamically on the left-hand side of the publication.

It's a minimal change, but a pretty hot one.

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