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Social Networks

Meuf: the social network dedicated to women

Meuf, as its name suggests, is a social network 100% dedicated to women, with a single goal: to provide a completely safe space for sharing.

On the Meuf website, the first sentence we can read is a quote from Beyoncé: "Power isn't given to you. You have to take it." The foundations are laid.

Meuf, as its name suggests, is a social network 100% dedicated to women, with a single goal: to offer a completely safe space for sharing. Claire Suco, founder of Meuf, takes an emotional look back at the beginnings of this unique platform.

Meuf: a social network dedicated solely to women

"Through Meuf, the idea is really to offer women a space in which they can feel free, safe and comfortable to discuss subjects that concern them and that are often taboo," explains Claire.

Following a tumultuous life path, Claire decided to create Meuf to answer the questions she couldn't find answers to during her own painful experience. She explains:

"In 2017, I had an abortion. I felt a strong need to talk about what I was going through with other women. Neither my sisters nor my friends had been through this. So I sought to connect with women facing the same situation, but I couldn't."

Claire continues to tell us her story, saying "Meuf started out as a committed women's clothing brand, and I received messages every day from women who wanted to talk about certain issues, but didn't dare speak out. They would ask me to do it for them, and that's how the story began."

15,000 active women users on Meuf

With 15,000 users on the app and 45,000 women waiting to join Meuf, the social network is experiencing strong growth, indicating a considerable need that Meuf is meeting.

"At the moment, we're a very small team, so we're getting people in little by little. It's a big success for an application that's fairly new," explains Claire.

To ensure security within Meuf, each user must enter her ID card and take a selfie to enter the application.

"Meuf works like a traditional social network with a general news feed with all the publications that have just come out. The difference with others is that each subject can be dealt with in a specific channel. Whether it's pregnancy, menstruation or sexuality, everything is categorized. Conversely, if certain topics are too painful for a user, then she can choose not to see them, which makes it more comfortable to use."

Tolerance and respect for women's issues are the priorities that make Meuf the first secure social network entirely dedicated to women in France.

To discover Meuf, click here.

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