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Threads: when's it coming out?

This summer, Threads entered the market with a bang. Meta's new social network boasted 100 million subscribers. But there's been no news since.

Threads: when's it coming out?

This summer, Threads entered the market with a bang. In just one week, Meta's new social network recorded 100 million subscribers, making it the social network with the highest growth rate on its release.

Although the application was not yet available in Europe, users in France did not hesitate to use their imagination to acquire Threads. Tutorials on how to download the app were proliferating all over the Internet. A crazy snowball effect, which forced Threads to reinforce the security of accessibility to the application in Europe. As data protection laws are not the same in the U.S. as in Europe, Meta had to adapt the application to European security measures before it could be offered on the market. In this sense, it was impossible for Mark Zuckerberg's group to let thousands of European Sunday hackers use the application.

Threads, the release date :

Although no date has been publicly announced, Meta has warned that Threads will not be released before the first quarter of 2024.

Theads VS X:

Just a few weeks after the release of Threads in the U.S., Twitter transformed itself into X. The idea of a social network named X is nothing new; Elon Musk has made no secret of his ambitions for Twitter since its takeover. However, it's clear that Twitter's transformation into X, in the middle of summer 2023, is no coincidence.

The similarities between Threads and X are particularly striking, and for good reason: Meta has hired some former Twitter talent. Following Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter, over 1,000 people were laid off. Musk announced at the time:

"I'd like to apologize for firing these geniuses. Their immense talent will no doubt be of great use elsewhere".

This did not fall on deaf ears, as Meta took over the former Bluebird team to develop Threads.

Theads and X, war is declared:

Elon Musk, as the great king of buzz, used enough melodrama to publicly provoke Mark Zuckerberg. So much so, in fact, that a ring fight was organized between the two entrepreneurs. I'm speaking in the past tense, since we've heard nothing more about this cockfight.

We're looking forward to the arrival of Threads in Europe, whose use responds to real problems encountered on X, and which, for the moment, seem to have been sidelined by the social network. In the meantime, we'll have to wait and see what Elon Musk has to say, as he's always brilliant at making people like him. Joke.

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