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Webflow refreshes its corporate identity

Webflow refreshes its visuals. On the menu: a modernized design, deeper colors and, as always, lots of practicality.

Webflow is refreshing its visuals, for an update that should once again enable it to keep its promise: to offer as many people as possible the possibility of creating their own professional website, both modern and easy to build.

A new logo for the future

It's important for a brand to have colors that are representative of the mission it has set itself. That's why Webflow has decided to give itself a brand new logo.

Here we find the main web building blocks, such as html, CSS and Javascript. A great way to showcase the development power that Webflow has always offered its users.

A logo that pays tribute to its customers

The company is proud to be able to present a path strewn with numerous encounters, with companies, start-ups, freelancers and agencies, representing a large, dynamic and diverse community. This success is due to the brand's avant-garde approach to offering strong visuals, without having to go through the code.

Webflow has always made contact with designers, visual developers, marketing specialists and entrepreneurs of all kinds, seemingly demonstrating the brand's success and effectiveness to customers.

Their new logo is representative of the community they have built up over the years.

The strength and courage of entrepreneurs to embark on their projects, using and defending Webflow within your companies, is the driving force behind the brand.

In addition to its logo, the company has decided to redesign its brand, both inside and outside the product. Customers will have the pleasure of discovering these new features by visiting the website.

Now that the new logo, more representative of the brand, its customers and its future, has been launched, there's only one thing left to do: unleash your creativity.

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