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Go Entrepreneurs 2024: the not-to-be-missed entrepreneurial event

Four years after the health crisis, French people's desire to start their own business remains intact, and is even on the rise: a quarter of them are ready to create or take over a business.

Four years after the health crisis, French people's desire for entrepreneurship remains intact, if not slightly on the rise: a quarter of them would be ready to create or take over a business (+1 point per year minimum since 2021), representing a potential of 13.5 million new entrepreneurs across the country, more than half of them within the next 2 years! A colossal breeding ground compared to the 1 million new businesses to be created by 2023.

But how, where and with whom do they see themselves undertaking tomorrow? And are they ready to take on board the challenges of the AI explosion? That's what CCI France and Medef wanted to explore in this survey conducted by OpinionWay on the occasion of the 31st edition of GO Entrepreneurs(April 3 & 4, 2024 at Paris La Défense Aréna). The survey was conducted between January 15 and February 5, 2024, among a sample of 1,011 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over, and a sample of 405 company directors, representative of private-sector companies with 0 or more employees.

The French and entrepreneurship in 2024:

- One in four French people (25%) would like to start up or take over a business one day, which means +13.5 million potential new French entrepreneurs.

- More than half of them (53%) are even considering taking the plunge within the next 2 years, i.e. +7 million potential new French entrepreneurs by 2026.

- 43% of aspiring entrepreneurs plan to go it alone, while 46% would go it alone with a close friend or family member.

- More than one in ten French people (16%) have already identified a company they could take over

- For one in three French people (32%), entrepreneurship is the future of work for all, or an experience to be tried out at least once in their lives.

- The top 3 preferred regions for entrepreneurship are dominated by Île-de-France (21%), followed by Occitanie (13%) and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (11%), on a par with Nouvelle Aquitaine (11%) .

- 77% of respondents from the general public are convinced that the AI explosion should bring about a new generation of entrepreneurs with unprecedented profiles.

- For managers (40%) and potential entrepreneurs(54%), AI will primarily serve to save time in managing business formalities.

- More than one in three executives (36%) are even ready to entrust their communications strategy to AI.

- More than one in two executives (53%) admit to being behind the curve when it comes to integrating AI into their business strategy or processes.


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1 in 4 French people, future entrepreneurs?

Despite a global context of uncertainty and inflation, the desire to be an entrepreneur continues unabated. For the 4th year running, one French person in 4 is considering starting or taking over a business. In a detailed survey conducted by OpinionWay for CCI France and Medef on the occasion of Go Entrepreneurs 2024, 18-34 year-olds appear to be the most motivated by the idea of entrepreneurship (49%). In addition, more women than men want to become entrepreneurs (26% versus 23%). In terms of socio-professional background, senior executives (36%) and intermediate professions (33%) are the most entrepreneurial.

Perceptions of entrepreneurship remain as favorable as ever

This enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is reflected in the way the French perceive it. For three quarters (74%) of them, starting a business is totally integrated into the very notion of professional activity. For one in five French people, it's something they should have tried at least once in their lives (20%), while one in ten goes so far as to declare that it's the future of work for everyone (12%).

For a majority of respondents (42%), entrepreneurship is totally commonplace, as they describe it as "a form of work like any other". This adoption of entrepreneurship is particularly strong among younger people (82% of French people aged 18 to 34). Finally, for 26% of those surveyed, entrepreneurship is an unnecessary risk.

Company takeovers even more inspiring for the French

While setting up one's own business comes spontaneously to mind when we talk about entrepreneurship, one French person in three (33%) would be interested in taking over a company, and 16% would even have already identified a business to take over! Indeed, for around one in two respondents, taking over a company seems simpler than starting one up (52%), but also more affordable (45%) and less risky (44%), and an opportunity to preserve made in France, French know-how and heritage techniques (70%). For the most visionary (56%), taking over a company would above all enable it to be modernized (introduction of the 4-day week, etc.). For others, taking over a company would prevent it from closing (39%).

Setting up or taking over a business, a real life project

A true life project, the vast majority of respondents (55%) would like to embark on their entrepreneurial adventure accompanied by someone close to them (their spouse at 23%, a family member at 16%, a friend at 12%). For 43% of respondents**, it's solo that they imagine themselves becoming entrepreneurs**, a trend that grows stronger as respondents age: this concerns one in 3 under-35s (33%), almost one in two 35-49 year-olds (46%), and rises to 61% for those aged 50 and over.

As for the regions preferred for business start-ups, those selected logically reflect the respondents' place of residence. In first place was Ile-de-France (21%), followed by Occitanie (13%) and finally Nouvelle-Aquitaine, tied with Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes at the bottom of the podium (11%).

Priority given to support functions

In order to bring their entrepreneurial project to fruition, the majority of respondents say they need help from administrative and financial professionals (70%). This is followed by support from mentors already running businesses (54%), and, equally, feedback from people with the same project, as well as participation in trade fairs (50%).

New tools and innovations identified by the French

This year, OpinionWay also polled the French on the tools and innovations that will revolutionize entrepreneurship in the coming years.

Omnipresent in public debate since the launch of ChatGPT just over a year ago, Artificial Intelligence is at the top of the list of must-have business innovations, according to 54% of respondents.

AI, incredible potential for entrepreneurship

What makesAI so revolutionary in the eyes of the French is, above all, the idea that it will turn the business world and the profile of entrepreneurs upside down in the years to come! Indeed, 47% believe that it's now easier to get started thanks to AI. And 77% of respondents are convinced that the AI explosion should bring about a new generation of entrepreneurs with profiles very different from those of today's entrepreneurs, an opinion shared by a majority of executives questioned on the same issue (64%).

Since 1993, GO Entrepreneurs (formerly Salon des Entrepreneurs) has been anticipating entrepreneurial trends in France, enabling millions of entrepreneurs to launch and develop their businesses. With some 300 exhibiting partners, 30 themed events, 250 conferences & workshops and over 500 speakers, including 200 leading figures from the world of business, the 31st edition of GO Entrepreneurs promises its 45,000 participants an exceptional experience. More information on www.go-entrepreneurs.com

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