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Snapchat's My AI, focus on usage statistics

In an infographic, Snapchat has just released the usage statistics for its artificial intelligence: My Ai

In an infographic, Snapchat has just released the usage statistics for its artificial intelligence: My Ai

Last February, Snapchat became the first social network to harness the power of ChatGPT to serve its users, in a Chatbot called My AI. While Meta is still immersed in the development of its own artificial intelligence, Snapchat takes its first look at the use of My Ai.

Snapchat's My AI: what are the results?

According to Snapchat, 150 million people have sent 10 billion messages to My AI. These crazy figures make it one of the most widely used chatbots in the world. If the tool proves to be a valuable research aid for its users, it's also an excellent way for the social network to harvest data.

On the subject, Snapchat explains:

"We're able to use conversations with My AI to improve a key optimization we offer advertisers, called Snapchat Lifestyle Categories (SLCs). These categories have historically been based on factors such as the content a Snapchatter watches. The new signals from conversations with My AI will help us improve the quality and depth of the SLCs, increasing the relevance of the ads Snapchatters see on the app."

By analyzing users' data, Snapchat is able to identify their needs, which in future will enable it to position targeted ads right in front of their eyes.

My AI: Focus on the most frequently asked questions :

Click here to download the infographic.

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