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What will be the main advertising trends in 2024?

IAS unveils the main trends in online advertising for 2024.

In its annual report, IAS unveils the main trends in online advertising for 2024.

In 2024, marketers plan to invest in reliable, robust and innovative environments, such as social networks and video platforms. The importance given to responsible media practices is becoming a priority issue for brands, with advertising placements alongside content supporting sustainable development, diversity, equality and inclusion initiatives, journalistic integrity and other responsible content.

Every innovation brings with it new media quality challenges. Here are the main challenges to expect this year:

Social networks and video: 2024's biggest challenge

Social networks remain a priority for media experts in 2024. But while the average time spent on the networks is stabilizing, they are getting dangerously close to saturation point. Another major challenge: 68% of media experts say that the lack of transparency regarding the quality of impressions delivered within proprietary platforms will have a negative impact on their investments. What's more, with the US presidential elections looming, almost 7 out of 10 experts expect a heightened brand safety risk due to the proliferation of fake news.

Video and CTV platforms - the new Eldorado for brands

84% of media experts surveyed agree that the transfer of advertising budgets from linear TV to CTV will intensify. But an equally large proportion are concerned about the increased risk of fraud, proportional to the effervescence of these new channels, which are highly susceptible to fraudulent traffic.


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Media quality will be key to sustaining growth in media retailing

Retail media is growing by leaps and bounds, but this growth is accompanied by a number of challenges, such as a lack of standardization, the protection of consumer privacy, and the need for greater transparency with regard to advertising performance. Ensuring that campaigns are visible, free from fraud and in a context that does not harm the brand's image will be essential to the success of retail media campaigns. Furthermore, for 59% of media experts, contextual targeting will be an essential element of campaign KPIs.

Responsible media

While marketers are aware of the increased risk of fake news, 74% of the experts surveyed say they will prioritize responsible media for their advertising investments over the next 12 months. And, 55% say that advertisers will need to ensure that their advertising investments support responsible media.

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