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HubSpot Guide: the keys to sales performance

How can you best align sales and marketing to meet your customers' new expectations?

How can you best align sales and marketing to meet your customers' new expectations? Find out with HubSpot.

One thing is certain: B2B sales conquest is being reinvented. Faced with customers who are more informed, more engaged and more open to conversation than ever before, we need to adapt our strategies to become business partners. And that's good news.

Better still, more and more relationship-building opportunities are opening up for sales and marketing teams. From new CRM integrations to generative AI, emerging technologies offer an infinite number of possibilities. These tools are designed to accelerate sales cycles, accentuate marketing personalization and strengthen the quality of customer relationships. Yet their use is not self-evident. To gain in efficiency, sales and marketing managers and company executives need to fully align their teams' efforts. Yet, for many organizations, this goal remains a challenge: 96% of sales and marketing professionals claim to encounter alignment problems that are detrimental to the customer experience.

Based on recent customer studies, HubSpot's "Keys to sales performance" guide aims to highlight the challenges and priorities of 2024, and offers food for thought to help you develop your action plan and improve performance.

2024: the road to an integrated company

The erosion of sales performance highlights a growing mismatch between supply and B2B buyers' expectations. To regain growth, companies must both analyze their customers' evolving needs and combine their sales and marketing efforts to adapt their strategies. Meeting the challenge of the integrated enterprise means setting up an organization that is agile enough to anticipate and support these market changes.

Sales efficiency and new customer expectations in 2024: emerging trends

AI as a lever for efficiency

In 2023, the salespeople surveyed spent just two hours a day on sales, and around an hour on administrative tasks.Artificial intelligence-based toolscan save them two hours a day on administrative tasks. Time that can be immediately reinvested in their sales missions.

The B2B buyer in search of autonomy

Buyers want to do their own research, and 83% even prefer to order services online. E-commerce is now firmly established in the B2B sector, and will be an essential lever for the development of B2B activities in the future.

Customers want "personal" experiences

With all the information left online, when in contact with sales teams, customers expect truly individualized conversations. They no longer want to be "qualified".


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What leverage will marketing teams have in 2024?

Making the most of technology

Marketers have access to a whole range of digital tools, but are still struggling to make optimal use of them. Over 60% of them say their organization has not acquired adequate technologies, or is not mobilizing the full potential of available technologies.

Testing generative AI

Generative AI is becoming an indispensable marketing assistant, and will play a key role in 2024. Although a third of marketers are not yet using it, 6 out of 10 are counting on generative AI to produce more high-quality content.

Adapt and implement a strategy based on customer data

From the RGPD to Google's plan to abandon third-party cookies, the tightening of privacy regulations represents a constant challenge. More than 81% of marketers surveyed say they still depend on third-party cookies, and around a fifth are unprepared to ditch them. The challenge is to capture data directly from customers. By obtaining reliable qualitative information at source, teams can create highly personalized experiences.

Did you know?

More than half of sales professionals find that a lack of high-quality leads and longer sales cycles are hampering their sales performance. At the same time, 43% of marketers find it difficult to generate leads, understand customers, and collect quality data.

To regain sales performance, companies need to adapt their conquest strategies to align with the new B2B path.

Download the complete guide

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