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Instagram: create your 2023 retrospective

Between the Best Nine and the dynamic Reels, focus on the models to adopt for your year's Instagram retrospective.

Instagram: create your 2023 retrospective

On Instagram, retrospectives are something of a must. At the end of each year, content creators and companies post video montages of their year's highlights on Instagram .

And if the montages and trends followed are all particularly similar, the engagement around this type of content is no less strong. Between the Best Nine and the dynamic Reels, focus on the models to adopt for your year's Instagram retrospective.

Instagram: why create a retrospective?

As well as being a fun format to create, it engages and intrigues your community. Retrospectives are a kind of in-between. They close one year and open a new one. It's a light-hearted parenthesis in perfect harmony with the end of the year, a period when interest in business topics drops drastically.

How do you create an effective retrospective?

To create an effective retrospective, there are two watchwords: emotion and dynamism. Don't be afraid to share with your audience the real moments that marked your year. And to do this, you need to put aside pride and the need (or lack of it) to show off your best side. A montage is made of moments of success, but also of doubt, hard work, and any period showing just how eventful and enriching the year was. Don't forget that your community is looking for one precious thing: transparency.


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Photo or video, which format to choose?

Generally speaking, content creators and companies are favoring the video format to create retrospectives of their year on Instagram. Not only is video one of the most popular forms of content on the Internet, it's also a powerful emotional medium. By linking short, on-the-spot videos with appropriate music, you're sure to transport your audience.

If you're not a fan of video editing, you can also create Instagram Best Nine, i.e. carousels with your 9 best photos of 2023. This is a slightly different trend, since the idea is to select the 9 photos with the best engagement rates from all those you've posted during the year. To do this, you can use the Top Nine for Instagram platform , which will help you identify your best posts.

Retrospective 2023: The trend to adopt

Because like every year, there's one trend that stands out from the rest, and this year's big winner is this one: 2023 Recap (long version) by Northernelg. All you have to do is go to the content creator's account and use the template. Enjoy.

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