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What's Instagram Spins, the new feature being tested by Meta?

Instagram is working on a new feature called Instagram Spins.

Instagram is working on a new feature called Instagram Spins, which should make creating videos even easier.

This new Insta feature, first spotted by engineer Alessandro Paluzzi , should enable other users to remix your Reels with audio and/or text elements of their choice.

Spins, the new Insta meme?

This feature could be used byInstagram users to set trends by creating models on which others can then add their own creative touch. How? By modifying the text or audio to adapt it to another scenario.

For example, you could record a video of your dog yawning, then share it with the text "Me on Monday morning". By activating the Spins feature, someone else can then share your video and replace the text with "I'm trying to stay awake in class".

A screenshot shared by Paluzzi, suggests that creators would get credit for their original reels every time someone created a Spin of one, enabling them to reach a wider audience. The screenshot also indicates that users will be able to activate and deactivate the feature.

Spins are not to be confused with Reels' "Remix" feature, which allows multiple players to create Reels.


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Differentiating yourself from TikTok

If most of the time, when we talk about new features on Instagram, we hear "it already exists on another platform, but now it's on Instagram too", Instagram Spins is indeed a real new feature. A new feature that should help Instagram stand out from its competitor TikTok.

Instagram has indicated that this new option is currently an internal prototype and is not being tested publicly. A launch date has not yet been announced.

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