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Instagram in 2024: how to use it?

We take a look at the trends, best practices and algorithmic strategies to adopt on Instagram in 2024.

Instagram in 2024: how to use it?

Every year, it's the same old story. Content creators and companies scramble to figure out what trends and algorithmic changes to expect on Instagram. This year is no exception, with many of you asking us aboutInstagram in 2024. In this article, we take a look at the trends, best practices and algorithmic strategies to adopt.

Instagram in 2024: what will be the trends to adopt?

The rise of video :

In 2023, Instagram reversed its decision to turn the social network into a video platform. Following numerous comments from influential giants such as Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian, IG had finally decided to return to the beginnings of what made it so successful: photography.

In fact, that's not quite what happened. Even though the photo format has come back strongly in the last year, the Reel remains the most engaging format, with an engagement rate 2 times higher than that of photos. It's hard to say whether Instagram is still pushing Reel videos more than photos. Even if algorithms come into play, we mustn't forget that video is gaining ground, and is now the king of social networking content. Knowing how to create dynamic, inspiring videos is a real game changer for your social networking strategy.


Beyond formats, what will make all the difference this year is the ability of brands and content creators to weave a bond with their audience. Consumers are tired of perfect publications; they want the real thing. So we're going for on-the-spot stories, emotional texts, backstage videos or even natural photos.


In this sense, subscribers expect to be actors as much as spectators. Through private conversation channels, collaborative posts and polls, give a voice to the people who matter most: your subscribers. The days when simply disseminating information was enough are well and truly over, and co-creation will be at the heart of a content strategy that works on Instagram.

Threads: the new Instagram app

At the end of 2023, Meta launched Threads on French stores. This new Instagram-linked application is a great opportunity for content creators to diversify their distribution channels, while retaining their audience. The beauty of Threads lies in its ability to promote the content you publish on the network, through Instagram. This free visibility is interesting, as it maximizes the chances of increasing the engagement rate of posts while increasing the number of accounts reached. For the moment, it's too early to say whether Threads will be the Twitter of tomorrow. Content creators and brands are testing the network, and the data collected is too weak to define the best practices to adopt, or to understand which content performs well.


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Instagram algorithms: how will they work in 2024?

In 2024, Instagram algorithms feed on two elements: what you follow, and what might interest you.

As a user, to know what might interest you, the social network records the creators you interact with most, but also your preferences in terms of format. Very logically, Instagram algorithms simply analyze the way you consume content.

In addition to your preferences, Instagram takes the following factors into consideration:

Your activity: i.e. the way you react to content (registration, like, comment, etc.).

A post's popularity: the more interaction a post receives, the more Instagram will push it, since it will deduce that it's interesting due to its engagement, and will then wish to broadcast it to a wider audience.

The content creator: the more you interact with a creator's posts, the more you'll see them in your feed.

To sum up, thinking that a post without interaction has any chance of being seen is completely false. As a company or content creator, you need to maximize the number of interactions on your publications. That's why building an engaged community around your content is the cornerstone of successful social networking.

Instagram in 2024: the keys to a strategy that works

To sum up, in 2024, your strategy on Instagram will need to include:

Relevant content: a good mix of video and photo formats.

Consistency: As every year, it's the most active who win.

Transparency: we rely on the authenticity of our content. Beautiful is good, real is better.

A good dose of interaction: We maximize engagement on posts, and for that, there's nothing better than interacting with your target's content. They'll tend to give you what they get.

A diversity of distribution channels: With the arrival of Threads, people aren't hesitating to promote their Instagram content through this new network. In fact, content creators tend to publish overviews of their feeds. It's a great way to communicate about your IG account.

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