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Discover the ACRAC method for responding to customer objections

Objections are a daily occurrence (even a source of anguish) for salespeople involved in prospecting. The ACRAC method helps you overcome them.

In the world of sales, customer objections are challenges to be met with skill. However, with a methodical, well-structured approach, it's possible to turn these obstacles into opportunities for successful sales. That's where the ACRAC method comes in.

An objection is a signal for the salesperson, who must learn to listen and find a solution to the problem raised by the other party. While some objections are insignificant and can be quickly resolved, others can get in the way of a successful sale.

How to deal with objections

Objections are obstacles or barriers to a successful sale. Beyond the appearance of rejection, they often reflect an underlying psychological need. Dealing with sales objections therefore comes down to exploring personal needs before operational ones.

What is a customer objection?

Rejection, fear, doubt... Objections can arise at any point in the buying process, temporarily blocking the transaction. The salesperson's role is to find the source of the objection and deal with it, so that the process can continue smoothly.

But it would be a mistake to interpret an objection as a refusal and hang up your spurs. Rather, an objection is proof that the buyer is interested in your service or product, but is not yet convinced to take action. Sales staff may feel paralyzed by this obstacle, but as Corneille said, to conquer without peril is to triumph without glory.

Most contracts aren't closed on the first exchange - it's a process that takes time. Knowing how to deal with objections enables the salesperson to put together a tailor-made offer that meets the prospect's expectations. Once the sticking point has been identified, the process can resume on a better footing.

Objections are a daily occurrence (even a source of anguish) for salespeople involved in prospecting. The ACRAC method helps you overcome them.


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What is the ACRAC method?

The ACRAC method, which stands for Accueillir - Creuser - Reformuler - Argumenter - Contrôler, is an argumentation model that helps sales reps manage and overcome objections. It describes a sequence of 4 steps, ultimately enabling progress in the sales tunnel.

1 - Acknowledging objections without minimizing or rejecting them

By greeting objections with empathy and professionalism, salespeople can turn potential challenges into opportunities to strengthen ties with their customers and close successful sales.

2 - Dig deep to analyze objections and understand your prospect

To draw up a proposal adapted to a prospect's profile, a salesperson needs to have all the information necessary to understand the request. He must therefore encourage the prospect to define and detail his needs and constraints in order to understand the reasons behind them. The first step in the ACRAC method is therefore to explore the prospect's expectations, in order to identify the specific needs of the person he's talking to and refine his sales strategy. But beware, if the natural reflex is to immediately counter-argue, it's essential to dig deeper to understand the origin of the objection (technical, human, financial...). To achieve this, the discovery phase is essential. A series of questions, prepared in advance (when setting up the meeting) will enable you to engage in a constructive exchange to get to the heart of the problem. As part of this discovery phase, we recommend starting with open-ended questions, then alternating with closed questions. It's important to create a relationship of trust by letting the prospect express himself, so as to understand his business, his constraints and his expectations. This active listening stage may take a little time, but if it's done properly, you'll save time later on. During this exploration stage, it's important to show empathy. After all, every objection is based on past experience, misunderstanding of the product or prejudice. It's crucial to find the source of the blockage.

2 - Reformulate your prospect's objection

The prospect needs to feel heard and listened to, so rephrasing is a necessary step in continuing the process. Once the customer's objection has been identified, the sales person must be able to understand the reason for it and highlight the underlying need. Beyond that, rephrasing enables the subject to be presented in a different form. It's this rephrasing that sometimes unlocks the crux of the problem. It proves that you've understood the root of the problem, and that it will be taken into account in the proposal. Now it's up to the sales person to complete or adapt his or her basic offer in response.

3 - Arguments to enhance customer value and reassure them

Once the need has been identified, the aim is to propose a personalized offer, complete with additional elements and arguments to the basic offer, which will enable the objection to be overcome. The salesperson must describe the benefits that the user can gain by adopting the product or service, to convince them that their purchase will be crowned with a return on investment. If the first phase has been successfully completed, it will be easier to argue the case by highlighting the operational elements that are important to the customer (ease of use, time savings, compatibility with other products, etc.). To reassure and prove the veracity of your proposals, offer a demo or a free trial, and provide business cases or statistics.

4 - Check that your prospect is reassured

Once the deal is closed, it's in the best interests of both parties to make sure that everyone is happy with it. Asking your prospect for validation ensures that the terms of the agreement have been clearly understood.

The ACRAC method is a powerful tool for salespeople, helping them to deal effectively with objections while strengthening the relationship with customers and fostering trust. By mastering this methodical approach, sales professionals can pave the way for successful, lasting transactions.

As a complement, the "Mirroring" technique also offers an additional strategy for creating a deep connection with the customer by mirroring their words, expressions or gestures. This empathetic approach shows customers that they are understood and promotes open, effective communication, helping to overcome objections with ease.

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