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TOP 11 copywriting frameworks

Copywriting framework: a secret weapon for capturing your targets' attention

Whether you're a CEO, a communications and marketing professional or a salesperson, copywriting is part of your daily routine.

Copywriting is a type of writing designed to induce an audience to take action. A secret weapon for capturing the attention of your targets, copywriting was originally an advertising copywriting technique involving the production of content designed to induce the reader to perform a specific action. But the art of copywriting is an acquired skill that, let's face it, can sometimes be (very) time-consuming for the uninitiated. If you're looking for a way to increase sales or generate new leads for your company, there's no magic formula for success. However, there are proven marketing frameworks that can help you create effective sales messages. Known as copywriting frameworks, they are based on the analysis of consumer behavior and the use of persuasive words and techniques to capture visitors' attention and convert them into customers.

Copywriting frameworks: an effective conversion methodology

Framework FAB: Features - Advantages - Benefits

The FAB method, describes the features, benefits and advantages of a product, and how they work together to help differentiate a product in the marketplace. This framework is used to present products or services in a convincing way.

  • Features: description of the technical or functional characteristics of the product or service.
  • Advantages: description of how the characteristics of the product or service translate into benefits for the customer.
  • Benefits: description of how the advantages offered by the product or service improve the customer's life.


A company selling digital marketing services can use the FAB framework as follows:

  • Features: our services include social media management, personalized content creation and targeted advertising.
  • Benefits: With social network management, you can increase your visibility and the engagement of your followers. Creating personalized content will enable you to reach your target audience more effectively.
  • Benefits: Increase your visibility, reach your target audience more effectively and attract new customers interested in your products or services.

PASTOR Framework: Problem - Amplification - Story and solution - Transformation and testimony - Offer - Response

The PASTOR framework is a storytelling methodology designed to create an emotional connection with the audience, with the aim of moving them to action. This model is regularly used in many marketing and advertising campaigns, for its ability to engage audiences in an authentic and lasting way.

  • P: identify the prospect's problem and demonstrate its importance.
  • A: increase the intensity of the problem and create a strong emotion.
  • S: tell a compelling story that shows how a problem becomes a solution.
  • T: show how the proposed solution can solve the prospect's problem.‍
  • O: offer a clear and immediate solution.
  • A: Indicate what the prospect/customer should do next. Make a purchase? Leave email address? Do something else?


ABC produces a new line of sustainable clothing and wants to promote it. It will use the PASTOR frame to tell the story of the garments' creation and convince visitors to buy its products.

  • Problem: Identify the fashion industry's problem in terms of environmental and social impact.
  • Amplification : Describe how the problem has worsened over time and how the fashion industry has contributed to the problem.
  • Story: Tell the story behind the creation of the sustainable clothing line and how the company tried to solve the problem.
  • Transformation : Illustrate how buying sustainable clothing can contribute to a positive transformation of the fashion industry.
  • Offer : propose the sustainable clothing line and explain how its purchase can contribute to a positive change in the fashion industry.‍
  • Answer: Encourage visitors to shop and be part of positive change in the fashion industry.

Framework BAB: Before - After - Bridge

The BAB framework is a method used to create persuasive and convincing content. It involves telling a real-world story with a fairytale ending.

  • Before: identify the customer/prospect's current problem or situation.
  • After: present the desired result or solution to the problem.
  • Bridge: propose a solution or offer that takes the customer from "before" to "after".


A company offering web design services uses the BAB method to present its service.

  • Before : describe the problem of the non-performing or obsolete website that isn't attracting traffic or conversions.
  • After : describe the desired result, i.e. a modern, attractive and functional website that delivers concrete results.
  • Bridge: present the web design service as a solution with advantages such as years of experience, proven results and personalized service.

Framework AIDA: Attention - Interest - Desire - Action

AIDA is one of the best-known frameworks. This model is based on four key stages, each of which plays an important role in convincing a prospect to act.

  • Attention: grab the prospect's attention with catchy headlines, images and keywords.
  • Interest: arouse the prospect's interest by demonstrating the advantages and unique features of the product or service.
  • Desire: arouse desire for the product or service presented, by showing how it can solve your problems or satisfy your needs.
  • Action: guide the potential customer towards action, for example by buying the product or requesting further information.


ABC is a Web agency offering customized development services for small businesses. The aim is to generate more leads from potential customers.

  • Attention : "Customized websites for your business."
  • Benefits : "Our team of expert developers will work with you to create a website tailored to your needs."
  • Désir : "We've helped many small businesses like yours achieve their online goals.
  • ‍Action: "Request a free consultation now and find out how we can help your business grow online!"

Framework 4 P: Picture - Promise - Prove - Push

The PPPP (Picture - Promise - Prove - Push) framework offers a comprehensive approach to capturing the public's attention and motivating them to act.

  • Picture: uses an image that captures the visitor's attention and represents the product or service clearly and effectively.
  • Promise: describe the main promise of your product or service, i.e. the main benefit for the prospect.
  • Prove: provide social proof through testimonials, case studies or statistical data.
  • Push: push the visitor to act, or to perform the desired action, which may be buying a product or requesting a service.


A skincare company wants to increase sales of its latest product launch. Using the PPPP framework, your message should be structured as follows:

  • Image: Use an image that shows the product and its attractive packaging.
  • Promise: describe the product's main promise, which is to "reduce the signs of skin aging".
  • Proof: provide proof of effectiveness through testimonials from satisfied customers and statistical data on the results obtained.
  • Push: encourage visitors to act with a call to action inviting them to buy the product.


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Framework STAR: Situation - Task - Action - Result

The STAR framework (Situation - Task - Action - Result) is a tool used to describe experiences and results clearly and concisely.

  • Star: describe the situation you find yourself in.
  • Story: describe the task you've set yourself.
  • Action : describe the actions taken to accomplish the task.
  • Solution: describe the results achieved by the actions undertaken.


A travel agency wants to increase its online visibility and acquire new customers for its customized tours.

  • Situation : The tourism market is highly competitive, and buyers are always on the lookout for practical, personalized offers.
  • Task : Create a landing page that showcases the travel agency's experience and reliability, as well as attractive personalized offers for the most popular destinations.
  • Action : use high-quality images and videos to showcase the destinations on offer, provide detailed information on customized offers and included services, highlight positive reviews from other satisfied customers.‍
  • Result: Increased bookings of personalized packages thanks to engaging and convincing landing page.

Framework ACCA: Awareness - Comprehension - Conviction - Action

The ACCA framework starts with awareness and knowledge of the product, then moves on to persuasion and conviction, and finally to the customer's buying action.

  • Awareness: making the customer aware of the product and its benefits.
  • Understanding: explaining to customers how the product works and how it can help them.
  • Conviction: convincing the customer that the product is the right choice for them.
  • Action: encourage the customer to buy the product.


A company offering web design services wants to create an effective landing page to acquire new customers. Here's how you can use the ACCA framework:

  • Awareness: create a catchy headline that describes your web design service and attracts the attention of potential customers.
  • Comprehension: explain how the web design service works and what its benefits are for customers.
  • Conviction: present examples of successful websites created for previous clients and explain how the website design service improved their online presence.‍
  • Action: include a visible CTA and encourage the prospect to contact the company to request more information or a service.

Framework 4U: Unique - Useful - Ultra Specific - Urgent

If you're looking to promote a product or service online, creating an effective landing page is essential to maximizing your conversion rate. But what makes a successful landing page? The 4U framework provides a simple but powerful answer: the page must be unique, useful, ultra-specific and urgent. This methodology ensures that visitors receive the information they need to make a quick and effective purchasing decision. As online competition increases, the use of a framework such as 4U can make the difference between a mediocre landing page and a successful one.

  • Unique: the landing page must feature a unique offer that differentiates the product or service from competing offers.
  • Useful: it must be clearly explained how the proposed product or service can solve problems or satisfy customer needs.
  • Ultra-specific: the landing page must be extremely detailed, with all the information the customer needs to make a purchasing decision.


A tax consultancy wants to increase the number of clients using its services. The aim is to convince potential customers that they need professional tax advice. To achieve this, the company creates a landing page using the 4U framework:

  • Unique: "Our personalized tax advice is tailored to the needs of each client".
  • Useful: "Avoid tax fines and penalties with our personalized advice".
  • Ultra-specific: details of services offered, including tax return preparation, income tax and VAT advice

Framework RACE: Reach - Act - Convert - Engage

The RACE method is a model for planning, implementing and evaluating your sales prospecting strategy.

  • Reach: identify your target audience and find the best way to reach them.
  • Take action: provide an engaging experience for the user and encourage them to take action, such as visiting the website or interacting with the content.
  • Convert: convert visitors into real customers, for example by purchasing a product or subscribing to a service.
  • Get involved: keep customers engaged and loyal, for example by sending newsletters or offering special promotions.
  • Urgent: "Make an appointment with one of our experts before the end of the month and get a free consultation!"


Let's say you've got a company that sells products for the Gen Z demographic.

  • Reach: identify your target audience, for example by identifying their age, gender, geographical location and interests.
  • Take action: offer an engaging experience on your website, for example by providing detailed product descriptions, high-quality images and a simple, intuitive purchasing process.
  • Convert: encourage purchases with special promotions or by offering free delivery.

Framework SCIPAB: Situation - Complication -Implication - Position - Action - Benefit

The SCIPAB method provides a framework for companies to improve their communication effectiveness. Based on the simple storytelling framework we've all been exposed to in children's stories, it's particularly effective.

  • Situation: description of the prospect's current situation
  • Complication: identifying the difficulties and problems facing the prospect.
  • Implication: explanation of the negative consequences the prospect could suffer if he doesn't solve his problems.
  • Position: present your solution as the best way to solve their problems
  • Action: explanation of how the prospect can use your solution to solve their problems
  • Benefit: illustration of the benefits the prospect will obtain by using your solution.


XYZ provides consulting services to startups. The aim is to convince potential customers that the company's advice is the right investment for their growth.

  • Situation: Startups often struggle to find the financing they need to grow, due to a lack of experience and knowledge of the sector.
  • Complications: without the right advice, startups risk investing inefficiently and not growing as they would like.
  • Implications: this can lead to business closure, loss of money and personal disappointment.
  • Position: XYZ business consulting can help startups identify areas in which to invest more effectively and develop winning growth strategies.
  • Action: XYZ consultants work closely with startup founders to understand their specific needs and develop a customized growth plan.
  • Advantages: with XYZ's advice, startups can invest with confidence and develop sustainably, without running the risk of failing due to lack of experience and knowledge of the sector.

Framework SLAP: Stop - Look - Act - Purchase

The SLAP framework (Stop - Look - Act - Buy) is a direct sales method that helps companies guide their website visitors through a quick and efficient buying process.

  • Stop: the aim of this phase is to capture the attention of website visitors, convincing them to stop browsing and focus on your product or service.
  • Take a look: at this stage, the aim is to get visitors to take a close look at what you're offering and understand the advantages of your product or service over your competitors.
  • Take action: at this stage, the aim is to get website visitors to take action, such as signing up for your newsletter, downloading a demo or making a purchase.
  • Shopping: Encourage visitors to shop.


Company: An online sportswear store selling high-quality running shoes. Objectives: Increase sales and brand awareness.

  • Stop: use eye-catching graphics and a provocative headline to grab the attention of website visitors.
  • Look: show high-quality images of running shoes and describe their advantages over competitors.
  • Take action: offer a 10% discount coupon to those who subscribe to your newsletter, provide a free product demonstration or offer a customer satisfaction guarantee.
  • Purchase: Simplify the purchasing process with fast, secure payment.

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