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Humanlinker: Personalized prospecting reinvented by AI

How can you run mass campaigns while at the same time personalizing your messages? Interview with Thibault Brioland, CEO of Humanlinker.

At Afffect Media, if there's one prospecting issue that really annoys us, it's prospecting messages that are too long and devoid of interest for the recipient. In this sense, Humanlinker is the perfect answer to the main problem faced by prospecting companies:

How can you run mass campaigns while at the same time personalizing your messages? Interview with Thibault Brioland, CEO of Humanlinker.

Humanlinker: What is it?

Humanlinker is a generative AI platform that helps sales teams generate and convert more opportunities through AI-powered personalization.

"We bring technology that supports sales teams to outperform on prospecting, and to do this, we use AI in particular to bring maximum personalization to our approach." Thibault explains.

Used by tens of thousands of customers in 25 different countries, Humanlinker can be easily integrated into the sales strategies of both very small businesses and large listed groups.

The challenges of BtoB prospecting

"I started out in sales in 2011, selling windows door-to-door on a BtoC basis. It was during those years that I learned and understood the nuts and bolts of high-impact prospecting. In that context, I already had to have a very personalized approach with my target."

From BtoC to BtoB, Thibault faces the problems of online prospecting, such as a very low return rate and a time-consuming aspect in the daily life of sales staff.

"For 10 years, I've had to deal with a number of serious prospecting problems, including, unfortunately, a sharp drop in return rates over the years. We had to find solutions. And then came OpenAI with ChatGPT, which, when used in a commercial context, solves a number of problems."

Thanks to its ability to collect qualified data from companies, decision-makers and employees, Humanlinker is able to analyze your target in depth, while providing the most appropriate prospecting solutions.

"Humanlinker enables strong enrichment by fetching data related to financial, HR, or even information delivered in press articles or LinkedIn posts." Thibault adds.

What makes a good prospecting message?

The recipe for good prospecting is made up of just three ingredients: good targeting, good messaging and hyper-personalization.

"For us, a good prospecting message is one that isn't self-centered. It's crucial to show that you're genuinely interested in your target, and this is just as valid by e-mail as it is by telephone."

In this context, Humanlinker offers market-specific copywriting frameworks for generating high-performance sequences.

"Today, the average response rate without Humanlinker is 2% to 3%. Thanks to Humanlinker, we can easily go from 8% to 30%." says Thibault.

These are impressive figures, achievable only thanks to the automatic hyper-customization offered by the company.

Sales development: what are the prospects?

"We're often asked what the future of the sales profession will be, and clearly, it's being able to spend time with your prospects." Thibault explains.

The answer may seem logical, but in practice, it doesn't seem to be applied. In this age of digital automation, few companies can claim to truly know their future customers. A fundamental element, however, on which Humanlinker is banking.

With Humanlinker, you can access millions of contacts and a rich database of companies in just three clicks, then automate your personalized outbound strategy.

Inbound VS Outbound Marketing, which strategy is better?

"In the last 18 months, the last laggards have started to embrace inbound. Over the past three years, a huge amount of webinar and podcast content has been created. But it's no longer enough for companies to stand out from the crowd, because too many companies are doing it. It's better to implement an allbound approach, the idea of which is to bring people in, fetch them, and surround yourself with partners". Thibault explains.

Thibault concludes on this point by explaining that companies that no longer prospect, are slowly returning to the very basics of sales: prospecting.

While Humanlinker meets companies' need for hyper-personalization thanks to AI, the company has no intention of stopping there.

"It's not just e-mails or LinkedIn messages: we're currently working on a new innovation to create LinkedIn Voice Notes, based on texts generated by Humanlinker resulting from information about the company and the people. The same goes for cold calling, a point we're looking into to bring real solutions to companies who, today, tend to qualify their interlocutors very poorly while using the wrong scripts." Thibault adds.

Thanks to its sound use of AI and rich strategic vision, Humanlinker supports your sales forces in achieving their objectives. We invite you to visit their website, and follow Thibault on LinkedIn.

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