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Sales prospecting: 8 AI tools for generating leads

8 tools to accelerate your lead generation process with artificial intelligence.

Lead generation can be a tedious process requiring a lot of time and effort. But good news, thanks to AI, this process can be streamlined and accelerated.

AI lead generation tools extract huge amounts of data in minutes to provide valuable insights into your leads. Discover 8 tools to accelerate your lead generation process with artificial intelligence.

How to use AI for lead generation

1. Find new prospects

AI-based tools exploit advanced scraping techniques to analyze online platforms and identify individuals and companies that match your personas. These intelligent algorithms scour large quantities of data, such as social network profiles or company directories, to build lists of prospects. This automated process enables sales and marketing teams to find potential customers in an efficient and personalized way, and maximize conversion opportunities.

2. Interact with prospects

When interacting with prospects or customers, an AI robot can seamlessly transfer them to a member of the sales team. What's more, an AI tool can simplify the sending of personalized messages. They make it easy to connect with many people, while ensuring that each message is tailored to the interests and needs of the recipient.

8 effective AI lead generation tools

Some AI lead generation tools to help you reach the right leads, interact and convert.

1. Lyne AI

Sending cold e-mails can be an incredibly tedious task. But in many industries, email campaigns are crucial to a company's growth. If you're looking for a cold e-mail automation tool, Lyne.ai is a good option.

2. Smartwriter.ai

Smartwriter AI is artificial intelligence software that automates lead generation and personalized email copywriting. The platform is designed to optimize your emailing campaigns. Smartwriter.ai takes into account the recipient's profile, including interests, behaviors and previous interactions, to generate customized e-mails.

3. Instantly

Whether it's a cold awareness or lead generation campaign, Instantly offers comprehensive features to optimize your campaigns and provide valuable information.

4. Leadzen.ai

Leadzen.ai is a prospecting tool that automates the process of generating leads and contacts. It's a one-stop-shop for prospecting that not only provides real-time, accurate and comprehensive data, but also helps you maximize the value of that data.

5. Seamless

Seamless AI is a sales software and prospecting tool with a variety of features to help you find and connect with your ideal customers. The platform gives you access to contact and company profiles with verified e-mail addresses and cell phones to create reliable prospect lists.

6. Copilot AI

Copilot AI is an AI lead generation tool that helps you get more leads on LinkedIn through personalized, engaging and compelling outreach. The tool is able to analyze millions ofLinkedIn interactions to determine which ones match your personas. CoPilot AI supports the complete sales cycle.

7. Drift

Drift is an AI-based engagement platform. This all-in-one lead generation and development tool makes it easy for you to find and interact with qualified contacts. Drift enables you to send personalized messages to prospects based on their characteristics, content engagement and stage in the buying journey.

8. Exceed AI

Exceed AI is a conversational marketing and sales platform that automates personalized conversations across channels such as e-mail, website chat and SMS throughout the sales cycle.

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