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Social Networks

Instagram launches AI-powered ChatBot

Meta has just announced the arrival of a ChatBot powered by artificial intelligence.

Meta has just announced the arrival of a ChatBot powered by artificial intelligence. Following in the footsteps of Snapchat with My AI: a chatbot using the power of Chat GPT to produce responses, or more recently TikTok with Tako, it's Instagram's turn to integrate artificial intelligence into its platform.

Meta is no stranger to artificial intelligence, having announced a few weeks ago the arrival of new AI tools for creating stories on Facebook.

However, the decision to develop a ChatBot with AI-generated responses remains relatively surprising, since Meta had not hidden its lack of enthusiasm for the novelty adopted by its competitors. We imagine that the social network didn't want to miss out on this booming trend.

How does the Instagram ChatBot work?

We're all familiar with the chatbot principle: ask a question, get an answer. Instagram's ChatBot is no exception to the rule. It can help you write better posts, track the best trends for your feed, advise you on the best practices to use when writing your posts. In short, it will become an interesting tool for content creation.

On his artificial intelligence tools, Mark Zuckerberg explains:

"In the short term, we'll focus on creating creative and expressive tools. In the longer term, we'll focus on developing AI personas that can help people in different ways. We're exploring experiences with text (like chat in WhatsApp and Messenger), with images (like Instagram filters and creative ad formats), as well as with video and multimodal experiences."

For the moment, we don't know when this new tool will be released. To be continued.

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