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What will the Twitter interface look like?

Under the leadership of Elon Musk, Twitter is renewing itself. As part of its devolution strategy, Twitter has been testing different visual formats for some time now, including the addition of a new tab on pro

Twitter adds a video tab to its platform.

Under the leadership of Elon Musk, Twitter is renewing itself. As part of its devolution strategy, Twitter has been testing different visual formats for some time, including the addition of a new tab on user profiles, dedicated solely to video.

What will the Twitter interface look like?

As you can see from the image below, users' profiles will be divided into several tabs, much as is already the case on Instagram, for example.

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Secondly, we could see a tab dedicated to videos on the News Feed. Once again, this would make sense to the consumption habits of users who, via the social networks Instagram and TikTok, already navigate in this way.

That said, in 2021, Twitter had already attempted to insert the full-screen video format on its platform. This test was abandoned, but seems to have been revisited since the arrival of Elon Musk at the helm of the twittosphere.

In a way, this news comes as no surprise, as Elon Musk has repeatedly stressed the importance of finding an effective way to monetize videos for content creators. With this enhancement, Twitter is gradually aiming to compete with the giant YouTube.

So, in 2023, will Twitter be the new Eldorado for video formats? We'll keep you posted.

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