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WhatsApp Business: Meta adds AI-based features

Meta unveils new AI-based features for WhatsApp Business applications.

Meta has announced AI-based features for WhatsApp Business apps, such as help with creating Click-to-WhatsApp ads and generating replies to customer messages.

Mark Zuckerberg presented these tools at the "Conversations" event, the company's annual conference in Sao Paulo. He said that in addition to creating consumer-facing chatbots on its platform, Meta wants to create AI agents that make it easier for businesses to connect with customers and engage in conversation. "From now on, our vision is not only to create a single AI assistant, but also to enable the creation of many different AIs that can serve different purposes, including for businesses. Any business should be able to quickly set up an agent that can talk to your customers, provide assistance and facilitate commerce."

This is hardly surprising, given that in recent years, more and more interactions have shifted to messaging applications. Indeed, while content consumption in social applications remains high, messaging offers a more direct and intimate way to engage in conversation.

AI support for businesses on WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business users will be able to leverage AI to create Facebook and Instagram ads to start a WhatsApp chat with a business. To achieve this, Meta is testing a new AI support tool on WhatsApp, designed to enable small businesses to better respond to customers, create ads... Meta has thus reported that it is testing AI-based customer support, which will automatically respond to customer queries related to the catalog or frequently asked questions. Currently, this new feature is with selected merchants in India and Singapore, with upcoming expansion to Brazil. In the interests of transparency, Meta has indicated that it plans to clearly indicate AI-generated messages to inform customers.

This is major competition for certain WhatsApp API partners who already offer this type of tool as part of their CRM (customer relationship management) solutions. All the more so as Meta has declared that these new services will be accessible free of charge. In Meta's sights: merchants who don't want to be burdened with additional tools and are looking to centralize everything on the same platform.

Optimization of messaging ads

Meta is also adding a new feature that will enable companies to upload their subscriber list, which Meta's AI system will then analyze to identify the right contacts. The aim: to send follow-up messages, based on campaign objectives. The system will be able to target users based on conversion or brand awareness, then use the information at Meta's disposal to maximize responses.


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Conversion API for professional messaging

Meta also extends its conversions API to support messaging events. Objective: to provide brands with another means of monitoring ad-generated performance trends. "Previously supporting web, app and offline events, the Conversions API now extends to support messaging events on Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp. A new feature that will enable advertisers to collect more data to optimize their messaging campaigns.

Extended Meta verified offer

Meta is also offering its Meta Verified subscription package to businesses using WhatsApp in Brazil, India, Indonesia and Colombia. "Eligible businesses who wish to become Meta Verified and pass our verification checks will get a verified badge, identity theft protection, account support, a verified channel and premium features, including a personalized WhatsApp page that is easily detectable via web search and multi-device support so multiple employees can respond to customers to provide better service."

In the meantime, Meta has indicated that the green "WhatsApp Verified" badges will soon change to blue, in order to maintain consistency across all Meta products.

Personalized promotional messages

Meta is also rolling out a new option that will allow users of the WhatsApp Business app (in certain markets) to send personalized marketing messages to their customers. "Rather than having to manually send the same message to multiple customers, this optional, paid feature allows businesses to reach a wider audience with a personal message including their customer's name and customizable call-to-action buttons." A kind of email marketing tool that allows personalization based on Meta account information.

New message templates in WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp is also adding a new library of message templates to the WhatsApp Business platform, enabling more businesses to use the tool for payment notifications, delivery reminders and more.

Professional calls in WhatsApp Business

Meta is also testing the ability for people to call businesses using the WhatsApp business platform at the click of a button. "When a customer has complex travel requests or wants to discuss opening a new account with your bank, a quick call can be the best way to get help. We've just started testing this feature and will be extending it to more businesses in the coming months. In the future, we'll also offer businesses the option of calling customers directly once they've given their permission." Research shows that younger audiences aren' t too welcoming of phone calls, preferring messaging instead, but as Meta notes, there are some cases where direct communication is preferred, which will facilitate that extra connection.

WhatsApp Channels, a new lever  

Finally, among the figures announced, the one concerning WhatsApp Channels did not go unnoticed. The one-way messaging option, which allows users to subscribe to themed groups to keep abreast of the latest news, now boasts 500 million users. A potential that Meta intends to exploit. Channels, launched by WhatsApp a year ago, are similar to Instagram's Channels option, offering creators and brands a channel for direct contact with their audience. While for a long time these channels were mainly plebisicité by the media, they could also offer brands and businesses new opportunities.

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