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X: what does the future hold for Elon Musk's social network?

Elon Musk, who has been dreaming of an "everything app" platform bearing the name X since the beginning of his career, is slowly seeing his ambition take shape.

X: what does the future hold?

Elon Musk, who has been dreaming of an "everything app" platform bearing the name X since the beginning of his career , is slowly seeing his ambition take shape. For the moment, X bears only a passing resemblance to the billionaire's utopias, but major changes are expected in the coming months.

A reminder:

In the 90s, Elon Musk founded a payment company called X.com. The platform facilitated instant payments and bank loans. When the company eventually merged with Paypal, Musk was forced to abandon the company name, but never gave up on the idea of one day creating an innovative application called X. Elon Musk's idea: a concept that would facilitate all transactional activities while also being a social network and entertainment tool.

Twenty years on, technology and social change offer a golden gateway to the Tesla CEO's aspirations.

X: what's next?

Better content proposals

Like Tiktok, which only offers content related to the tastes and consumption habits of its users, X should adapt to your desires. Elon Musk plans to integrate into his social network a learning process similar to the one he is currently testing at Tesla. Among other things, this technology will make it possible to analyze users' tastes.

Once again, this is a system already adopted by TikTok, enabling it to identify your preferences in terms of clothing, music, gender and advertising.

Video optimization

X is trying to encourage video consumption, by improving the News Feed for users in this direction. For some time now, X has been considering a complete overhaul of the ergonomics of the home tab, but so far no major changes have been undertaken.

Increase the number of certified accounts

Too much certification kills certification. Since the arrival of Twitter Blue, certification has become a paying proposition. While this isn't a bad idea, since it provides X with a steady stream of income while offering any user the opportunity to gain credibility, it does have its limitations. The first of these is that it's hard to differentiate between accounts with a vested interest of any kind, and those whose certain ego has driven them to pay for certification. For the time being, only 0.3% of X's 250 million active users have subscribed to the network's paid membership. It's a small number, but many fear that the phenomenon will amplify, creating a large and unnecessary number of certified accounts. Instagram is experiencing the same phenomenon at the moment, with many users complaining about this huge free-for-all, in which it's becoming difficult to differentiate the creators of value from the rest.

More payment options in the application

This is the key point in Elon Musk's plan to integrate an advanced version of PayPal into X, including a number of low-cost banking and transactional options. These include interest-free loans, bill payment options and a whole host of other possibilities. Musk would like to go even further, and plans to simplify online and offline payments, thanks to the use of a barcode. No more need for a credit card.

Full access to banking transactions is time-consuming and tedious. Meta itself does not have all the authorizations required to turn its networks into genuine means of payment. X is slowly moving in the direction desired by its leader, but there's still a long way to go to achieve the goals set by Elon Musk.

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